Home Tallahassee Florida 4 members of St. Petersburg based Uhuru movement charged as acting as...

4 members of St. Petersburg based Uhuru movement charged as acting as agents of the Russian Governme


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  1. They're lucky that everyone completely believes everything CNN says, otherwise they'd be put in front of a firing squad for questioning this ridiculous narrative.

  2. No matter if you are right or left or whatever, next they'll come for you. Anyone who critizises the western ruling elites or defends themselves from the elite's injustice, can potentially be the next one who's facing time in prison. If you truly care about human rights in your own country, you have to care about what is happening to the Uhuru movement.

  3. Man America has got to be the most unhinged, crazy country in the world.
    If people especially black and latino don't stop supporting these ridiculous Democrats your done.
    These corrupt stories just get more retarded as they come out.

  4. First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
    —Martin Niemöller

  5. Another Russiagate. Does the Democratic Party just want to lose the 2024 election? What do they think the Black voters will do in November 2024? It is the older Black population that vote. This will bother them more. This really makes the Biden administration's visits to Africa even more of a failure. This is a reminder of the 1960's falsely charging Black activists of the Civil Rights Movement and anti-war movement. Hear what the Black Panthers used to do in the Black community with donations. This is just the FBI's racist "Black identity extremists" targeting Black men campaign.

    This goes along with the recent arrest of Chinese Americans for running a police force in New York City for China.

  6. so much for free speech – the usa is a joke and more problematically a war criminal entity of injustice – reparations now, your oppression is known worldwide and it is clear usa is run by fascists.

  7. I’m confused. They are being prosecuted for “Influencing elections” , how exactly? Are one of them running for elections? Or is that the term they need to say to actually get a conviction?

  8. Sounds like one of Putin's set ups to further racially divide the US. Moral of story – exercise due diligence on whom you accept money or guidance from. He's no doubt trying similar tricks in NZ & Australia etc!

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