Home Tallahassee Florida 5-year-old Pasco girl hospitalized after parents die in murder-suicide

5-year-old Pasco girl hospitalized after parents die in murder-suicide


5-year-old Pasco girl hospitalized after parents die in murder-suicide



  1. Just crazy. Happy I am 80 living outside the USA. Ladies. Leave and stay armed and alert. These evil demons will kill you and the family. Never accept name calling or beating for it will end in death. Listen to this elder please .

  2. Selfish. The selfish personification of conceit. Ask for help, help is out there. I can understand being depressed but you can make a better choice and ask for help.

  3. Calm down and don’t let this occur? What is this cop smoking? We need harsher penalties for DV offenders and REMOVE their guns and rights to have one!! We need to lock up these offenders not hand them a piece of paper that says “stay away.”

  4. How many men are going to kill to their families before we finally disarm them!? Get weapons out of men’s hands, they’re too hormonal and animalistic to be trusted. Domestic abusers should be collared, as they clearly aren’t human and don’t have the same rights as actual people.

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