Home Tallahassee Florida $7,500 tax credit for EVs start in 2023: How will it work?


  1. Okay it takes 1-2 years to receive the tax credit you don’t get $7500 no you get what the IRS determines when you purchase these expensive trucks and cars the manufacturer has jacked up the price when you pay for the taxes and license the state jacks the price

  2. The raw materials needed to make the batteries for EVs isn't sustainable and that's what isn't being shared with the public.
    Neither is the fact that all of these EVs are going to be an extra burden on an already aging and faltering electric grid.

    But nooooooo….have to pump that agenda, work the public into a trend chasing frenzy, trot Saint Greta out to chastise us some more, send those flying monkeys known as protesters out into the streets to be a general nuisance to the public while corporations continue to dump waste in our water supply and the soil but yeah, EVs are so friggin important.

  3. Qasim is sharing his dreams of the end times, and the calamities to befall mankind, as he had been instructed in his dreams by Prophet Muhammad SAW and Allah SWT. Many of the events & predictions in Qasim's dreams have already come true. Muhammad Qasim Dreams

  4. EV prices increased $7,500. So this will only benefit dealerships.
    You have to pay the extra $7,500 and wait a whole year to see if you qualify and probably won't because there will be some secret qualification process that you couldn't follow because no one could tell you about it.

  5. Congratulations Electric Vehicle Owner's! You have OFFICIALLY made it to Being SLAVE OWNER'S! Your BLACK CHILDREN who are MINING YOUR COBALT in The Republic of Congo must LOVE YOU! They're so well guarded NO ONE CAN GO SEE THEM FOR A PHOTO OP!!! 😡😡😡😡😡

  6. How it works is, they’ll dig a huge crater in the earth’s surface and remove materials using fossil fuel equipment and ship the content’s using fossil fuel transportation to a plant where fossil fuels will turn those materials into a battery to power the electric vehicles built at a plant that uses fossil fuels for power.
    See. Saving the planet.

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