Home Tallahassee Florida 8 injured in St. Pete shooting; shooters on the run, police say

8 injured in St. Pete shooting; shooters on the run, police say


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  1. Another eight people are injured in another shooting because the second amendment to the US constitution has flooded American communities with guns both licit and clandestine. The second causes another incident of gun violence; silence the second.

  2. I hope they all make it. This tragic event is just a reminder, that no one will live forever. Jesus is coming back! Please repent daily and seek God, so that when he comes back, he will take you with Him. If you are doing the following you will be left here for the tribulation: cursing, fornicating, drugs, alcohol, adultery, lying, bullying, inciting riots or trouble, homosexuality, murder, stealing, envying, coveting other goods + mates+ property, making false prophecies like psychics, practicing witchcraft or identify as a witch or warlock. If you blaspheme the Holy Spirit's name, vandalize, terrorize others just because, attack, and or kill innocent people…these attributes without true repentance will get you a one-way ticket to a hot, dry, tormenting place for eternity. Please heed this warning, seek a pastor, ask for help to turn your life around, treat everyone with respect, and help those you can help. The tribulation is a forced mark of the beast on your body, it is not a tattoo, it is a death sentence to hell.

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