Home Tallahassee Florida Backlash continues over Florida’s new standards for teaching black history

Backlash continues over Florida’s new standards for teaching black history


Outrage continued Monday over Florida’s new standards for teaching black history. “He’s not going to rewrite and redefine black history, not while we’re still alive,” said Reverend Dr. RB Holmes Jr. of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church during a Zoom call with other Florida religious leaders, civil rights activists, and community organizers. The group held a virtual press conference Monday morning to announce a series of actions they are taking in response to Florida’s newly adopted social studies curriculum for middle schoolers. Critics believe the curriculum, which Florida’s Board of Education approved last week, suggests slaves benefited from being enslaved.



  1. DeSatan was the author of the Deranged curriculum. The next thing the Republican's are going to say is that the Holocaust was a benefit to the dead victims and fun. They are INDOCTRINATING YOUR CHILDREN AMERICAN'S..WAKE THE F UP!

  2. The next thing the Republican's are going to say is that the Holocaust was a benefit to the dead victims and fun. They are INDOCTRINATING YOUR CHILDREN AMERICAN'S..WAKE THE F UP!

  3. White Nationalists and Neo-Nazis are growing because of Republican party.

    Republicans like Tommy Tuberville and Eli Crane making racist remarks.

    Red states banning voting rights of Blacks & Brown communities.

    DeSantis banning Black history and now this.

  4. This is blatant white fear. They are wanting to change history because they have no experience with responsibility and they are afraid of becoming extinct. It's obvious.

  5. As usual, the media here is full of shit. It is absolutely incredible to me how the media and their Democrat allies are able to focus on these minuscule lines of text within a curriculum and twist it into oblivion to mean something completely different and fit within their Wish to conjure up racism. Meanwhile, the entire. Critical race theory curriculum is some of the most bigoted, Heatfield, racist, promoting content one could possibly teach to young kids. F all of you people. I am so glad to see that states are finally stompping this garbage out of school curriculums. Kudos and bravo to the state of Florida!

  6. This Clearly Shows, No matter how Much Money or Education a person has, It Doesn't Stop their Ignorance! What kind of Upbringing and Moral were they Taught?! Evidently None along with No Integrity! Their Arrogance and Wealth Can't Hide their Ignorance and Proves how Pathetic they are.

  7. When it comes to the question of slaves, it is
    essential to clarify that slavery was a cruel and
    dehumanizing institution where people were
    treated as property and forced to work without
    proper compensation or basic human rights.
    Here's a brief explanation regarding the question
    of personal benefits for slaves:

    Slaves did not enjoy personal benefits:

    Dehumanization: Slaves were not considered
    humans but were viewed as property or
    commodities. This view denied them the
    opportunity to enjoy basic human rights, let alone
    personal benefits.
    No Freedom: Slaves did not have the freedom to
    make choices that could lead to their personal
    benefit. They were not allowed to make decisions
    about their life, work, or leisure, thus denying

  8. Blacks In Africa sold Other Black People from Other Black Tribe into Slavery.

    Blacks in Africa made huge Amount of Profit Selling Slaves that too for more than 1000 years.

    Since the 9th Century Blacks in Africa were selling Slaves to ARABS, that is 5 century before they Blacks in Africa started selling slaves to Europeans. the Blacks in Africa started selling slaves to European only in the late 15th century.

    These Important Facts about SLAVERY are not taught in Schools, and are also intentionally ignored by both Academics and Media, because these facts does not fit the narrative of the Media and

  9. The only standard here is the Democrat Standard for Lies. If you think there is racism going on check it for yourself. The 'media' is redefining what's actual in the changes. Lies is what they've got, it's what they do. You won't find ANY of these made-up complaints in the actual education standards. DeSantis is a political threat, so per Democrat protocol, they must dirty him up.

  10. OK I'm not a the Government should be involved in everything guy. I think tho it should step in when a group of people is either pushing it's religious beliefs,or not providing accurate and truthful information to put our countries future behind the rest of the world!!

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