Home Tallahassee Florida BREAKING: MANHUNT ENDS | Worker Arrested After Deputy Killed in Forklift Hit-And-Run...

BREAKING: MANHUNT ENDS | Worker Arrested After Deputy Killed in Forklift Hit-And-Run | #HeyJB Live


#BREAKING: ARREST AFTER DEPUTY KILLED IN FORKLIFT HIT-AND-RUN | Two road construction workers are facing charges after one allegedly ran into a Pinellas County deputy with a forklift, killing him, and fled the scene. WFLA Now’s J.B. Biunno and Annie Mapp are live with the latest. STORY:



  1. was the officer wearing his OSHA approved high visibility vest 🦺 or was he wearing that dark colored uniform at night in the dark in a construction zone not saying that the guy in the equipment did the right thing just asking if the officer did 🤷

  2. That's the reason why we were high VIs high visibility vest that's the reason why anybody that's working around the boom lifts are trained to be in a location where the offer can see them cuz they have horrendous horrendous blind blind spots in the upper can't always see all four corners and yes I'm a forklift operator and yes I have ran over a lot of things even when I have people spotting me

  3. It won't be released to the public due to the factor also was not where he is supposed to be the officer was in a location place in being that he was not supposed to be the officer did not have hi this is best on the officer did not have indication IE a flashlight lights and sirens the officer did not have an indicator IE lights or anything to indicate the officers being in the roadway of the front end loader

  4. Patrol officer for 19 years for 19 years he's falsified everything he's ever written up he's falsified evidence for 19 years he's lied sworn and cheated for 19 years he's a good guy that has screwed the public for 19 years

  5. The officer is not where he's supposed to be no Authority no signal no lights no notice no warrant no warning God G and I got squished God G not everybody else's fault that your officer was where he wasn't supposed to be

  6. No his water around where he wasn't supposed to be in the lane of travel without I'll repeat with out signaling where he was so obviously this is at night so no one could see him your uniforms are dark it's dark oh well squish oh f*** I asked a cop I'm f*** never mind the fact that cops car is 150 ft to my left where he's supposed to be but you're going to activate your s***

  7. The contractor, who is working on state(taxpayer) funded projects, illegally hired a person that entered the country illegally to save himself money and hide taxes. This illegal lied about being forklift certified to get the job. I hope the cops family sues the company into oblivion. Achieving the american dream should never cost American lives.

  8. Wish he didn’t run. This was obviously an accident. What the officer did was pretty risky going out there without making his presence known. The man who hit the officer was scared shitless I’m sure. Sometimes humans do stupid shit and fear takes over your fight or flight response. It was a terrible accident and I hope the officers family can find peace.

  9. I'm a construction worker and your onsite safety is 1000% your responsibility! You don't depend on the machine operators to see you, you see them and stay the hell out of the way! It's a shame the guy ran but he probably knew he was in trouble, but I doubt it was on purpose but I'm sure he will be treated like it was!

  10. pigs our just a pile of shit cost us more money glad a real crime happen instead of you making up shit happy a cop died all pigs better change why did our city get rid of half the pigs they cost too much money they stack fake charges people just don't care

  11. Ill say this is a freak accident unfortunately he seem like a great worker why the cop get out the car??? i say the deputy knows its dangers to be out like that… But he was in line of duty its terrible of what happen

  12. My condolences to the fallen hero's family and friends,it's too sad,but accident hit and run? You just hit a police officer,( a human being) not a snake or squirrel but a human being,😢I don't care wether you c him dying/ talking , whatever ,stop call 911 have some empathy ,that person has loved ones ,you think they will ever forgive you?? You hit him and ran away that's not the American/ human way ,boy render CPR ,or something , at least if u had shown some sympathy/empathy and stopped believe we would have felt differently about you ,but this is unforgivable 😢😢😢😢

  13. The killing in Europe was NATO fault.
    send money, send money, send money ….what kind of economy is that. it destroyed the economy here for "NATO has never been stronger"
    NATO wanted to be it's own entity a while back….a government of it's own separate from that of the nation's that make it.
    There was no reason for NATO expansion.
    The people that lived in the
    Ukraine provinces voted to become part of Russia because there was was no government, just thugs trying to make money and killing openly in the streets without a trial. Blaming Russia for their governments actions
    pertaining to it's economy.
    send money, send money…
    meanwhile people are dying but still not making a living
    And worse, where was the community??? they could have prevented the war, the Ukrainian still won't make money.

    the seditious news try to sell that the Ukrainian can win, knowing Russia has as many atomic weapons as Europe & the US.

    NATO not only played the Ukrainian, that was broke.

    instead of economic development, weapon systems are sent as aid to enhance the Ukrainian economy.
    Russia abandoned it's pipe line there because it was so corrupt. that's how bad Russia wants the Ukrainian.

    This is the first Winter.

    Maybe people are moving around in Russia out of target areas.

    I wouldn't eat nothing Europe.
    the arsenic wine was always bad.

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