Home Tallahassee Florida CAMP WILL BE CLEARED


  1. Sex offenders need to be supervised better in a special house from DOC. In a primitive camp like that they represent a public health risk. They can get leprocy from the animals around and spread it to the community. Florida already has a spike in leprocy cases. Plus they can not be close to schools and families.

  2. While Disantis is preaching "its the gays, it's the gays" to uneducated people, THIS is SOs. Regular, STRAIGHT, normal looking men (and women) who worked as teachers, school staff, coaches, priests, pastors, youth minister, and anything around children. By his bigotry he is putting children at risk.

  3. I despise these animals but I have to say, that's a really great set up they have and they obviously worked together on it. I've never seen such a clean and well made camp. Now send them all to a rock island in the middle of nowhere surrounded by sharks and dangerous ocean and leave them there.

  4. Sad news, and it can happen to anyone. The vast majority of street homeless will be dead in the next several years due to fentanyl overdose, poor physical and mental health due to fentanyl, or drugs related violence.

  5. I don’t know what all the Panellus County residents are crying about. This is what they voted for your liberal agenda. Causes this to happen now deal with it….. I only hope Hillsborough County sends them your way

  6. No one wants them anywhere near our children! Take them and throw them on an island way out in the ocean and let them fend for themselves! Hell, I'd even be willing to supply seeds so they can grow food. Just keep them away from our babies!

  7. I dont know about FLa but if its not a law it needs to be made one. I thought sex offenders were not allowed to be with other offenders. And if they all have monitors someone is lying through their teeth because they know exactly where they are if they are doing their job and monitoring them

  8. The bureaucracy in FL is mostly Marxist Dem. Clean out these agencies, have civilian input to hirings and appointments, vet people, hire nonpartisans, make records and performance transparent, since WE are the employers, including of FDOT! No lifelong careers as entrenched bureaucrats. Limited time for SERVICE. And fire anyone and everyone who doesn't live up to the oaths they took.

  9. Awesome job exposing this scary place and getting things moving! It’s still gross these people get live among the population again…the real problem is they are let out in the first place. Need to revisit the whole justice system.

  10. Great. Now what are you going to do with them? Maybe if Ron and co were less focused on dumb ass wOkE stuff, the state would ACTUALLY know where REAL pedos and groomers were. Priorities, man.

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