Home Tallahassee Florida Close up look at spacecraft to carry astronauts around the moon

Close up look at spacecraft to carry astronauts around the moon


Close up look at Orion spacecraft to carry astronauts around the moon: Amanda Holly shows us the capsule from Kennedy Space Center



  1. 0:54 "first Humans on the Moon"….. for Artemis or ever? "there are those Discoveries…." ? Not all is know about moon & deepspace harshness?
    Awkward that in these CTs paranoid + paranoid phobic debunk Times NASA Astronauts are not more careful.
    Close up look at spacecraft to carry astronauts around the MOON <<< ;
    "deeper in Space then Anyone has been before"…. unclear, cryptic text.
    "this deep in OUTERspace" is she contextualizing MARS ? Jupiter?
    "first Humans on the Moon" …not very Historical, why not: "Humans again on the Moon" ? "first Human return on the Moon" ? She APOLLO Denier?

    "Never a straight answer"Nasa context? Could be (if paranoid) a veiled admission illuminaty /satanists are credited for; "but WE told you so dummies" "and you accepted" "so WE are honest and open Servants"…

    – Not cute mesmerizing breasted HOLLY Amanda, nor Others mentioned MARS during this News context. >>>MOON<<< and nothing but moon….

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