Home Carpet Cleaning CRAZY Carpet Cleaner Loves His Job

CRAZY Carpet Cleaner Loves His Job


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  1. I've heard you can tell alot by what shoes a person wears.
    Many arm chair psychologists are ready to analyze,and diagnosis.
    When it comes to crazy,crazy clean is what most people are looking for.

  2. Hey! I love your videos! I’m starting a carpet cleaning business myself. However, I was wondering if you could maybe post a quick video sometime explaining how to identify the main different types of carpet’s? I want to be able to properly identify the carpet types, so I don’t use any wrong chemicals on them🤗. Thank you for your hard work!

  3. Brotha want to see a video of orbital vibe my friend 😊💙👍👍👍👍😊can’t wait to see your thought on which is better and smoother the vibe or mytee eco ??? Peace bad love to my brotha.

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