Home Tallahassee Florida Critics call Florida’s new standards for teaching African American history ‘insulting’

Critics call Florida’s new standards for teaching African American history ‘insulting’


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  1. What they should be teaching (like they do today with illegals), is that slaves would do the work Americans wouldn't do so we could have low cost produce. Pelosi and most democrats believe this is a good thing. However, unlike illegals, slaves were given US citizenship, something illegals are denied. Slaves had a benefit not given to illegals, a path to citzenship.

  2. Defendant Gov Ron DeSantis, a graduate from Harvard University founded in the year 1636 on U. S. territories, since then in the year 1776 United States of Americans' Constitution through to the year of the 1850s Harvard University (Corporation) education of salespersons allegedly taught to profit illegally from the use of the daguerreotypes ancestry (photos) to the year of the state supreme court rules (Justin Gamble, CNN Updated 3:45 PM EDT, Wed June 29, 2022) for their ancestry genealogy, patterns, refer to the Def Gov DeSantis, a Vet fmr Navy Officer friendly-fire the song 'Play that Funky Music White Boy(s) by Wild Cherry charted 1976 YouTube Video, Def Gov DeSantis' chanting 'Alt-Right, Fearless-Leader-One' with its Alt-right, White-Hope campaign did demasking of Children on STAGE during the height of the Covid 19 Pandemic Miniscule Airborne Droplets YouTube Video(s) Material Evidence dated March of the year 2022 and Def Gov DeSantis shall Concede by taking the Plea Bargain Agreement to Cooperate fully (totally).

  3. Blacks in Africa were involved in Selling Slaves Business for over 1000 years, Blacks in Africa sold Slaves to BOTH Arabs and Europeans.
    Arabs and Europeans were just consumer of Slaves, The Supplier of SLAVES were all Black People of Africa who SOLD other Black People from Other Black Tribes Into Slavery.

  4. Like sports game tapes, you look at your history to see your mistakes…to not do those same mistakes again.

    This is a statement. These people are saying "those were not mistakes." So guess what their agenda is?

    Damn them. Do not be apathetic people, this is where evil breeds and apathy allows that evil to fester.

  5. This is alarming. Skills? Black slaves were not allowed to be taught to read or write. I presume that fact will be excised from history books as well. Racist whites are taking over the reigns of real power and seizing the narrative history and stories of a whole population. White people who are racist are a clear and present danger to black people everywhere in 2023. The brand new radicalized republican party is a Trojan horse the most aggressive emboldened bigoted whites we haven't seen since the 1950s. The Jews said 'never again' and black people need make a similiar vow in this creeping racist authoritarism…

  6. If the U.S.A can't admit and own up to slavery and the motives of the civil war as a whole, the society of this country will fail. The civil war was fought over slavery, but it was covered up as "states rights" because it sounds better.

  7. With this nonsense being taught in classrooms how do they expect the police to behave towards black people. So the state of Florida insinuates that these slaves , though they were working for free had the chance to choose what career path, what kind of skills,jobs that they wanted to do. The slavery history has been so twisted especially in the US that most citizens, black & white still think that there were merchants with a lot of dollars, pesos, pounds, Guilders, Francs, in Africa trying to buy black slaves in a trading market! Currencies that were obviously useless to Africans back then, and again there wasn’t any thing to even exchange in a banter market except for guns which Africans didn’t have. By the way the production of guns from the 16th, to 19th century didn’t show any astronomical level and Europeans were clever enough to sell dangerous weapons to Africans in the first place. There was nothing that these Africans wanted from Europe!Probably they might have learnt that Africans asked Europeans to be colonised and practically enslaved too for another 150 years after slavery(Colonisation & partition of Africa)We wonder why Africans choose to believe even the Chinese than Europeans and Americans that are supposed to be their closest neighbours. I won’t be surprised if the next twist in American history is the benefits and skills of WWII and Nazism!
    Does the average American know that every single “merchant” slave ship had a state sponsored militia in it? Do they know that every European settlement was a military fort in Africa? The entire issue began when this encounter was wrongly called “TransAtlantic Slave trade” instead of African Slave Capture!

  8. I find it funny how white Republicans bitch that Democrats are “Indoctrinating” the youth but look at what Republicans are doing “Indoctrinating” white kids to grow up to be bigots and no one says a peep! I’m a Christian and I have one thing to say: Give your life to Christ and gtfo of this country!! Both sides are fighting to push satanic agendas! Republicans are grooming kids to be bigots and hateful, Dems are grooming kids to accept debauchery!! Also do not like my comment if you support or vote for either side!!

  9. the good news is the white man wont get his way forever – his game has been exposed, his character, motives, values, ethics, selfishness, and his actions have all been exposed and justice is hot on his trail.

  10. What do they want to teach any children. How they can be any gender instead of real teaching. The history of slavery has been going on way before the United States ever existed. Teach the truth don’t sugar coat it. That goes for all races. Tell them the truth about who was really was behind slavery. In the south.

  11. I agree with that it needs to be told. The good the bad, the ugly, you know the future of the slaves, you know? Did they have a trade, and if they did showcase that if they didn't do anything but sit back and let someone else support them, show that? History needs to be told, but also it's called history. For a reason, it's the past. Not the present I understand there are issues and a lot of White people I know do not agree with the reparations of 3 and 400 years ago because they were not thought of what their family went through, and yes, they all are descendants of slaves, but that Was then not now,,and yes alot of the ones I know went on to be lawyers,,doctors, and amazing people, they were amazing before their college the they themselves fought to get where they are nobody held them back,

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