Home Tallahassee Florida ‘Day of Action for Palestine’ protest in Tampa

‘Day of Action for Palestine’ protest in Tampa


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  1. Arab nations never take any refugees. Europe, US, New Zealand and Australia take all Islamic jihadi refugees and feed them with tax-payers money…for what! To get enough Hamas supporters and probable Hamas style attack anywhere anytime!! More 9/11s in store! This criminal negligence must be called state-sponsored!!

  2. How about you tell Hamas- the elected ruling party – to take the millions and millions of dollars sent under “humanitarian” aid to Gaza- to USE IT FOR THEIR OWN PEOPLE, to create schools and hospitals and infrastructure to BUILD the economy there. Oh wait, they use it to purchase weapons, training, and intelligence to attack and murder the Jews. They go as far to use pipes for water /sewage to create rockets and then turn and blame the Israelis for cutting off the water??? Hamas doesn’t care about the Palestinian people. How about the “free Palestine” people support freeing them from their ACTUAL oppressors- HAMAS and the PLO by proxy of Iran. ISRAEL DOES NOT OCCUPY “Palestinian land” (Palestine was also a name created by the Roman Empire who concurred /displaced the Jews IN THEIR RIGHTFUL HOMELAND as a smack in the face to the Jews. LEARN YOUR HISTORY.

  3. everyone who supports terrorism in plain sight at this rally, the police need to record these individuals. The American government should prohibit them from studying for free and receiving assistance. and everyone will immediately understand that they are in America, America does not support terrorism.

  4. Unpermitted gatherings whose only purpose is to terrorise the area they are in IS NOT A PROTEST. Everyone has the right to protest, not terrorise. Homeland Security has been on paid vacation for far too long.

  5. US Presidential election is now going to be more important than ever. Palestinians been receiving a lot of our taxpayer money. Biden going to hear about it and Obama (that earpiece in his ear)? This is a national security risk these Palestinian immigrants and the people who swore to support Israel so boot them out. Free Trump it's all coming together now!!

  6. I could gaf about what’s going on over there or either group .. if other people are so worried about it, get yourself a plane ticket and go THERE to do something about it and stop messing with our day.. a couple years ago it was a bunch of sorry Cuban protesters blocking the road here in the US so I couldn’t get home from work, for a country they fled like a bunch of cowards from and now have the audacity to protest and fly flags for.. pathetic!

  7. Supporting Palestine literally does equate to supporting J-wish genocide as that is the goal in the charter that they are all governed by and most support.

    "Peace can only be possible once all the J-ws are d*ad." — All the people at this rally. It's sick.

  8. Hamas is doing this to Genocide there own people. They knew the consequences of their actions and now they are going to live with it. Be angry at your Palestinian terrorist leaders, protest against them.

  9. The chant "from the river to the sea" is about committing genocide of the Jewish people.
    Gaza is entirely run by their own government. Israel completely pulled out of Gaza in 2005.
    If the residents of Gaza are being oppressed. It is their fellow Muslims doing so.
    The vile people have not expressed any remorse or outrage over those murdered, kidnapped, and brutally raped, often all three.
    This includes women and children and infants.
    If news channel doesn't point out the support these people are giving to atrocity. Then News Channel 8 is supporting atrocity.

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