Home Tallahassee Florida DeSantis, Ladapo warn against newly approved COVID booster


  1. DeSantass is unqualified to make a determination. His surgeon general is a political appointee. Everyone should decide for themselves as has always been the case. Nobody held anyone down to put a needle in their arm. If you don’t want it, don’t get the damn thing. Just stop bitching about it as if you’re qualified to have a scientific opinion.

  2. proper mugs return for repeat muggings.
    the guinea pigs got played
    the buyer remorse is endemic
    the doubling down is embarrassing
    S.A.D.S but true

  3. "Approved For EMERGENCY USE, There Is NO Clinical Data Available About The New Dose". They literally just told us they have done NO research on this mystery juice, which means they have NO idea if it even works or if there are any long term side effects. They are EXPERIMENTING on you! Wake TF up people!

  4. Do Florida laws protect health care workers from being forced to get vaccine or boosters? Are Floridians never vaxed protected from health care discrimination?

  5. Just because you see someone get a shot on television doesn't mean they actually took the mandated Luciferase jab that they are trying to coerce you into taking. It's just another bad reality tv show.

  6. That stupid woman and her six shots. Her body was obviously already immune because the virus was around quite a while before they actually got a vaccination out and she didn't get it then either. That was when I caught it but I will never ever take one of those stupid vaccinations.

  7. COVID has been twisted, used and manipulated to completely distract the human race while the WEF is working hard behind the scenes clearing land with wildfires etc.. etc.. in prep to build smart cites! That's basically the entire purpose all ALL this nonsense going on, the UFO crap too etc… etc… If you don't listen to these clowns and just take care of yourself, you will be fine! This planet is being held hostage by an evil cancer that just won't go away!

  8. Or…High intensity workouts to build a stronger breath for your lungs. Vitamin D, Elderberry, Zinc, meat from a local farm, healthy fats for your body. Sunlight and less stress. Turn your body into a fortress.

    Don’t listen to these overweight, fast food eating, cigarette smoking, drug injected, can’t think for themselves, alcoholic, weak bodies who say “the vaccine is the only way.”

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