Home Tallahassee Florida DeSantis suspends 2nd elected prosecutor. What’s the case against her?

DeSantis suspends 2nd elected prosecutor. What’s the case against her?


8 On Your Side Investigator Mahsa Saeidi has the latest on the Governor’s new suspension.



  1. Isn't it hypocrisy that DeSantis and the Fl. Republican party want to blame a Democratic elected prosecutor for the gun violence on the streets? Especially after mothers of dead children begged them to tighten up the gun laws. Instead, they made it easier for violent offenders to get a gun and carry one almost without fear. Then they wonder why their cops are getting shot? So they blame a Democrat prosecutor that DeSantis doesn't like.

  2. You people are so disingenuous in the media. I think where you draw, the line is with prosecutors who do their jobs. If prosecutors refused to prosecute criminals then they should be removed from office for the safety of the rest of us.

  3. Amazing how you all neglect to mention that the guy who she allowed out on Bond after committing violent crimes just shot two police officers. So yes, politics is at play here and you guys in the “News’s” are working as political activists!

  4. Across the country there are Prosecutors who put their emotions above the Law. Wherever these DAs who believe crime isn't solved by incarceration should, by now, realize that they were working from a flawed theory. Releasing people from custody in spite of their previous record in hopes ankle monitors and supervision can deter them from doing what they want is ludicrous. Like drug addicts, you can't make them change unless and until they want to change. I don't like to mention it, because is has been labeled "conspiratorial" George Soros has funded the campaigns of many of these "Reformists" to the detriment of communities nationwide.

  5. This is exactly the kind of leadership we need as a whole country. We need to get tough on crime by keeping these repeat offenders off our streets so we don’t have to be so afraid to live our lives. Prosecutors and judges that are all for rehabbing these non reformable criminals are a major problem lately for our entire society.

  6. IMO, Desantist is right , and she got what she deserved ,and all others easy on crime deserves the same . Love our Governor , corruption needs to be brought out to the light and dealt with. He he becomes our Next president of the USA.👍👍🙏🙏

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