Home Tallahassee Florida DeSantis top advisor used private email acounts when coordinating migrant flights according...

DeSantis top advisor used private email acounts when coordinating migrant flights according to newly


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  1. Yea, that’s entirely more dangerous to democracy than laundering campaign funds thru a law firm to pay Putin acolytes to manufacture a false narrative against a presidential candidate.

  2. Look…the administration and their high brow Martha’s Vineyard cronies don’t care about us, and so we don’t have to care about them either And we don’t. That point you should put at the top of the news…unless you want to stay irrelevant

  3. When the vigilantes strike, we will have the corrupt illegitimate "news" media and the insurrectionists–Dems and RINOs–in DC and blue states and cities to blame. I for one, though, will enjoy the show.

  4. Ron: Keep shipping the invaders out of Florida. See if the Dumbycrat Marxists want to go along. As for the press, so-called: Ron DeSantis is a JAG lawyer, He knows what he's doing. Keep trying to fk him up, and we'll vote for him in even bigger numbers. He respects immigrants who came legally, not invaded. The constant miscarriage of justice will spark the rise of vigilantism. Someone has to administer law and order and I can hardly wait!

  5. "10% for the Big Guy" is on a "Private email account" also…Let me jot your memory here for a moment, Hillary and Obama private servers?…This is just another "Nothing Burger" for the demented demonCraps…Keep moving, nothing to see here…

  6. What a communist POS news agency report on something so minimal while not reporting anything on Hunter Biden and everything that we know he did illegally because of what it was on his laptop. It also implicated Obama and Biden not to mention how Hillary Clinton destroyed her email server that contain classified emails from Obama and how they murdered Americans at Benghazi and covered it up

  7. Playing chess with human lives is what the Republican party is about. You're not making a point by shipping migrants to certain democratic locations, you're just showing how little you give a damn about human lives.

  8. It's not sensitive informantion. Who cares?

    Let's talk about Hillary's private server. That's still not resolved.

    Let's talk about this illegitimate administration's failure to uphold their duties outlined in our constitution which says, in part, "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republic form of government and shall protect each from invasion…"

    They talk about our constitution all of the time but they try to destroy it daily. Classic Marxist color guard revolution tactic. They're hitting just about every box on that.

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