Home Tallahassee Florida DeSantis warns Disney could face taxes and tolls

DeSantis warns Disney could face taxes and tolls


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  1. I’m not even from Florida but does this dummy realize that’s gonna back fire and hurt your states own businesses. Most people who go to Disney don’t even be living on property…😭😭😭

  2. He got publicly embarrassed because Disney & the Reedy Creek board outwitted him, and now he's trying to save face & spend all sorts of time and money pursuing a personal vendetta. It makes NO sense to be at war with Disney when they bring huge revenue to FL and attract hundreds of thousands of visitors, which creates business & jobs to support tourism, generating big tax dollars. When Disney first decided to build a second theme park, many states were hotly competing to be chosen for the location, and Florida won. Disney made themselves AND Florida, many millions by turning useless swampland into a world class vacation destination. Until DeSantis went on his anti-gay, anti-woke tirade, there was never an issue…Disney & Florida have always had mutual cooperation that has benefitted both.
    DeSantis would be wise to stop waging war on Disney and turn his attention to some of the REAL problems in Florida, such as our homeowners insurance crisis.

  3. DeWhatso reminds me of a person that became President of a thriving country. After he became President he started firing people that did not bow down to him and his wishes. He got rid of people that would not spread his lies. He put parrots in their place that were willing to repeat what he wanted to hear in return they got a title and a paycheck. He started taking over companies saying it was for the good of the people, when the companies saw the writing on the wall and started moving out of his country he told them they could not leave and the left anyway. He then put restriction on the people's money and where they could and could not move it to. His country went from a place to find employment to a place people did not know where their next meal was coming from. They have plenty of empty factories now and no companies willing to reenter that country. DeWhatso is going down that same road that that President did to his country, but DeWhatso is not planning to stay around in Florida he is doing all this on taxpayers money, he is spending to make news headlines against Disney thinking this will help move him to the White House and he will leave Florida taxpayers to foot the bill. DeWhatso see the Florida taxpayers money as his slush fund to spend as he see fit to get his way and his name in the news. Cartered planes to fly to Texas to fly people looking for a better life into the cold North. If you don't think this can happen here in the US, this shows it did and can, open your eyes it happened in Cuba with Castro and then again with Nicolás Maduro, the president of Venezuela. Looks like DeWhatso is using their play book to a tee, taking on big successful companies for the good of the people to make himself look big. DeWhatso talks big saying he is going to tax hotel rooms and put tolls on the roads to Disney to hurt Disney saying they will not win. Who is going to pay those hotel taxes and tolls, not Disney. Anyone that is driving down those road even if they are just going back and forth to work, church, the hospital, the doctor office everyday that has nothing to do with Disney will have to pay those tolls. If you want to take your wife out for your 20 wedding anniversary and spend the weekend away from the kids just the two of you , yes DeWhatso hotel tax will be there to collect for the state. Sad so Sad the people we elect to office.

  4. Bruh i hate tolls on 417, turnpike, and 528. Theyre ridiculous and having them on the roads before disney is scum. I like Ron but i hate tolls on roads that shouldn't have them. Its our state tax but on the highway. Screw off ron

  5. Can't believe that this child like mentality dictator doesn't have more pressing issues to address than his self serving Disney battle! What happened Ronny? Did Micky piss in your Corn Flakes as a child or did he get more write in votes than you received during the last election? Grow up! It's not ALL about YOU! Do you F-ing job!

  6. Disney should close their park in Florida and rob the state of all those taxes. How about closing the park for a couple of months and see if they notice the shortfall in taxes to the state.

  7. He attacks Disney, but he doesn’t have the balls to take on Trump and his lies and his career as a criminal!!! & attack the inbred MAGA maggot neofascists

  8. Another idiot republican that has fallen down the right wing fastest rabbit hole!!! Attacking people, and companies that don’t agree with his fascist policies! This is exactly what will kill his chances of getting elected for president. This kind of ideology may float in backwards Florida, but it will not float nationwide!!!!!

  9. Yep…conservatives are definitely about small goverment !!! 🤣 All this because this trump wannabe didn't like Disney exercising their freedom of speech. Nothing fascist about that. And for all our Democrat friends that didn't vote, thanks… thanks so much !!!

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