Home Tallahassee Florida Disgraced contractor’s victim faced frustrating delays while recouping losses from state fund

Disgraced contractor’s victim faced frustrating delays while recouping losses from state fund


Disgraced contractor’s victim faced frustrating delays while recouping losses from state fund



  1. Making it government not work well is what they do on purpose. Just like Florida unemployment insurance. We spent more on busing Texas immigrants to blue cities up north for a political stunt than this State fund.
    How many millions a year do we pay subsidizing wealthy homeowners with mortgage interest deduction and the national flood insurance program. They love those government handouts.

  2. They need to go to jail !! Before they go to jail whatever they own , house , car , boat must be confiscated and sold off to reimburse the poor people who get screwed from these low life bottom dwellers

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