Home Tallahassee Florida Driver charged with animal cruelty after shooting dog in Pasco Co. neighborhood

Driver charged with animal cruelty after shooting dog in Pasco Co. neighborhood


Driver charged with animal cruelty after shooting dog in Pasco Co. neighborhood



  1. que gente tan cruel!!!!

    (no estoy defendiendo a la persona tan estupida que tiene enfermedad mental) en muchos videos eso pasa mucho por que la gente IRRESPONSABLE sueltan a sus PERROS de raza PELIGROSA, imaginen si hubiera pasado algo PEOR, por ejemplo un perro tipo bull u otra raza PELIGROSA ataca a niño, y el niño hubiera muerto??? ahi si, y no digo en este video, yo hablo este comentario por TODOS LOS VIDEOS Y LAS TRAGEDIAS POR CULPA DE GENTE IRRESPONSABLE QUE SUELTAN A SUS PERROS SIN ADIESTRACION. Y LA VERDAD ES QUE LA GENTE NI SABE DETENER UNA PELEA DE PERROS! LO UNICO QUE HACEN ES GOLPEAR POR EJEMPLO LE GOLPEAN AL PITBULL. ESO HACE QUE EL PITBULL SE ENFADE MAS Y QUE MUERDA CON MAS PRESION. por suerte hay gente que es madura y sabe como detener una pelea… si no sabes que hacer en una pelea asi, lo unico que tienes que hacer es agarrar el cuello del perro que tiene sujetado al otro perro y lo que tienes que hacer es asfixsiarlo hasta que suelte al perro y pueda respirar. (ojo si no tienes experiencia puede terminar en tragedia).

    la verdad es que ya el mundo no tiene sentido…

    lo estan destruyendo.

  2. These mixed breed pits in a pack should never be roaming around the neighborhood at all?…sorry but if I was walking with my child and came across these dogs roaming in a pack knowing full well they'd attack, i'd have no choie but to euthanize them and after sue the owner for public endangerment!!!

  3. Should this man shot teh dogs that attacked his, they that needs to be determined, and there sounds to be more to this story than innocent dogs suffering from a drive-by since you can see she has no control of all three so those dogs could be wandering the neighborhood. THAT SAID, you shoot offending dogs with a camera and then call the police adn make a formal complaint- not shoot dogs in a drive-by that could very easily have hurt more than just the dogs- bullets do ricochet! Add to that these dogs should, if they were guilty should have been removed for teh oner, examined if they were dangerous and then the proper avenues taken. Sad to say, dogs that kill are usually put down and the owners are not forbidden to ever have another and rarely face charges, they can be sued the so this guy in teh truck was very foolish thinking like a 1840 cowboy- tough was to find out it's 2022! I have rarely had to but Small Claims court if yo are prepsred, can be a very good avenue for damage satisfaction, He really messed up shooting teh dogs which I in no way approve of unless they are actively a danger, and not he might be going to jail, and the dog's owner could take him to court for loss. Pulling the trigger, taking things into your own hands these days usually will put you on teh wrong side of the law- he had a very viable case in court.

    I wouldn't dare to go out from my car either.
    IF you love your pitbull get a durable fence(many pitbull attacks innocent pedestrians and mauled children because of bad fences) or put them in a leash, simple, have a logic.

  5. So that town must not have an animal control officer he could call about her dogs if they were a problem? What if some kid kicks his dog? He gonna shoot the kid, too?

  6. Though I'm Jewish I will say this anyway: anyone who hurts an animal for no reason there should be a special Auschwitz just for them. That's right a crematorium just for them. I support the NRA

  7. As a dog owner and animal lover I can see both sides.
    1. The dog owner needs to keep her dogs on her property. Everyone says “Oh don’t worry. My dog doesn’t bite” then guess what happens? The dog bites someone.
    2. The guy shouldn’t be shooting a gun from his truck in a neighborhood. If he was scared of them he should’ve called the sheriff and let them handle it.

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