Home Tallahassee Florida Exclusive: Roberta Laundrie’s “burn after reading” letter to Brian Laundrie in Gabby...

Exclusive: Roberta Laundrie’s “burn after reading” letter to Brian Laundrie in Gabby Petito Case


The infamous “burn after reading” letter — which had become a focal point of the civil lawsuit filed by Petito’s family against the Laundries and their attorney Steven Bertolino — was released to WFLA Now’s JB Biunno by the Petito family Wednesday evening. The release comes after Judge Danielle Brewer denied a motion of protection against the letter’s inclusion in the discovery process as the two families head to a civil trial next year.

JB’s Report:



  1. i think she wrote it when he left for the reserve, i think it was meant to be read by him after he left. I think she was trying to say with out saying to come back and i stand by what i said in my other comment. i think she realized how it sounded after she was done and the “burn after reading” was an after thought cause she knew it was still incriminating!

  2. I think his mom worried about his return and this letter was given to him when he set out and she’s basically trying to convince him to return! “burn after reading” she knew he was out in the wilderness, “dispose of a body” basically lets go move it and you won’t get caught, “file in cake” is her telling him jail will be ok and it’s better then what your contemplating.

  3. Wow she said “ If you hate my guts, I will get new guys” ……. That’s deep!!!! What’s really going on? No one will separate our love? Nothing can separate us??? This dynamic sounds weird. Why is she not charged and serving time again???

  4. This is what happens when you have lawn mower/helicopter parents raising kids without teaching them personal responsibility, honesty, and the rule of law! Baking a cake with a file in it?! Bringing a shovel to bury a body?! That's not a mom, that's a co-conspirator!

  5. I missed this when it was first released, but I will say, it changes nothing as far as I’m concerned. Those Laundrie’s are just as guilty as can be, and they both helped him hide &/or conceal this murder.
    This letter is odd, at best, but look who wrote it. Regardless, it does nothing to lessen my feelings or increase them. They are guilty. Period. Just as I said from day one about their son. Guilty.

  6. He kept the letter to help his state of mind known what support he had from his mother, known he murdered gabby, imo he was reading the letter over and over so he can decide what he wanted to do, hand himself in to authorities, run away and go in hidden or take his own life. So that’s why he kept this letter IMO

  7. in debunking that whole "FAKE notebook" situation, i used a notebook JUST LIKE THAT, & over 20 different kinds of pens, wrote alil message on every other page, using a different pen, on EACH page, & then i COMPLETELY SOAKED IT.. the ink NEVER bled like that, & most of the pages took awhile to even get completely soaked.. i even rung it out, let it dry, & DID IT AGAIN.. & the ink NEVER SMEARED in such a way.. (the results & the whole activity was recorded, for others to b able to see what i see, but since u-Tube likes to keep me HIDDEN, don't no1 KNOW about how we do things over here 🐿🤷🏼‍♀🐿) … l even went as far as TRYING to SMEAR the ink MYSELF, with my FINGER.. but it DIDN'T work.. (nor did STOMPING on it, & squeezing it til it STOPPED dripping) i think 1 could CONSIDER IT "DEBUNKED" after ALL THAT..

  8. rewriting Brian Laundrie's notebook, she couldn't even b bothered to capitalize Gabby's NAME… 🙄 .. if Brian WOULDN'T of put the ink there, then it SHOULDN'T b THERE.. so it's gotta b a different letter.. (making it a completely different WORD altogether) .. what they THOUGHT said "gabby" COULDA been the word "GRABBY/grabby".. since that "G" in her name WASN'T even CAPITALIZED.. 🙄

  9. why would ppl think the cops woulda let HIS MOM decipher that notebook ANYWAY… do u guys have any idea how WEIRD that'd b?? & do ppl have any idea how close that family WAS, to ppl that worked as "higher-ups"?? (my TarotCards tell me things 🔮) .. Brian Laundrie is STILL out there.. I CAN FEEL IT IN MY JAW BONE.. (Justice For Gabby)

  10. I believe the letter was written and handed to Bryan by his mother when he flew back to Florida by plane without Gabby , before he flew back to the reserve to meet back up with Gabby.

  11. She too that verse WAY out of context.
    Nothing can separate us from the love of God…not separate the love Roberta & Brian shared.
    No…Roberta wrote all this, "I will love you" senario because she knew Brian murdered Gabby & wS telling Brian she's gona love him no matter what. Those are statements a mother would say to her child if they did something really bad, not in an every day, normal expression of love.

  12. Ok, so I don't know when this letter was given to Brian. But here's a thought… Imagine this.
    Your son comes home and he's obviously upset about something. He locks himself in his room and won't come out. You ask at the door if you can talk with him and he says no in a sad tone and starts to cry. "Where's Gabby?" you ask.
    "Gone" he replies.
    Thinking this is another fight that he's had with his on and off again girlfriend you say "Did something happen?"
    "Yes. But I don't want to talk about it. Please, go away!"
    "Sweetheart, I know how much you two love each other. Let's talk it over. Maybe we can think of a way to make things better?"
    "No! I did something bad and no one will forgive me. Go away!" and he starts to sob.
    As a caring mother, you decide to write him a note and slide it under his door. You bring up things you two shared to express your emotions, to connect, and to help him feel that you're really there to help. You use the words of God to get your point across because you want him to know you'll love him no matter what. You have NO IDEA what he's done and what happened to Gabby. You're assuming it's just a breakup.
    You want to cheer your son up and you include things that are obviously sarcastic and you don't REALLY mean, but hope it'll make him laugh.
    Like you'd joke with your best friend that you'd break them out of jail or burry a body if you have to, you put that down. You don't REALLY mean you'd do that for them.

    The fact that the attorney has made a comment that the letter may embarrass his client could very well be that she didn't know what he'd done and it wasn't meant to mean you'd cover up a murder.
    I know I've joked with my besties and told them if their husbands ever hurt them I would kill their husbands. I wouldn't ACTUALLY kill anyone! Ick! But I sure as heck would pack up bags in the middle of the night and get my friend and the kids out of there. And I'd let the police deal with the husband. Or that saying that if "you go to jail I'll be sitting right next to you" – hell no I won't! You did something dumb enough to get yourself in the po-po, I'm not sitting there with you! I've got a reputation and career to think about. I'll see about bail, depending on what you did. But IDK you gotta do something pretty dumb to end up where you were. LOL!

    Just a thought.

  13. Of course, his parents knew about him killing Gabby. And they did everything they could to protect their son while Gabby's parents begged them to come clean as they continued to suffer great pain and heartache.

  14. 'Bring' could be considered as to be included in the action where as 'show up with' could mean she will drop off supplies but not necessarily help…

  15. True. A lot of reasons he may not have burned the letter. It could be he did not tell his parents what happened. Although of course they knew Gabby was missing. Maybe they truly did not know the answers. They ask I’m sure and could be he just didn’t tell them what happened. Could be Roberta wrote it knowing in her gut something bad happened. Mothers know when something is off.
    No doubt they ( his parents) know something was seriously wrong but couldn’t get a straightforward answer from Brian. Could be she wrote it, by letting him know whatever it is?, she would help him no matter what. That would not even go through Brian’s worries of burning it thinking he didn’t tell them anything, so the letter wasn’t on his mind. I would think if he told his parents straight out he killed Gabby, then the letter would mean something and he would rid of it, for his moms sake. Unless it’s possible his parents or mom didn’t like Gabby and he just didn’t care.
    With Brian dead the entire truth of how everything happened will not ever be known. We know Brian knew Gabby was dead. We also believe he killed her. But we do not know the 109% truth of how, why, accidental or deliberate. We can speculate all kinds of scenarios. In relationships most get mad and have fusses and some get very heated where both could get physical and it go too far. We will not ever know the real 100% truth.
    I’m behind in this, so if there’s something idk? Fill me in. Hear say means nothing. Hear say is no more than dramatized gossip.
    Again could be Roberta could of just had gut feelings without knowing and wrote it to him for simple reasoning of he just wouldn’t say anything. I have two kids that are grown and I know when something is wrong without knowing truth. It is just gut feeling. Gabby where’s Gabby and he may said idk n was down n different n she had a gut feeling something bad happened. She wrote it maybe to open him up somehow. Only speculating. Because if Brian told her why would she say all those things. If he told her, she would of said it to his face. Imo only guessing a scenario

  16. my opinion is she saw her son in desperation- maybe even suspected or knew the truth and was trying to get him to understand that despite an ugly truth she still loved him the same. Mom knew or felt Bryan would commit suicide- she was trying to save him from that with words of loyalty and love for him.
    it is a very bizarre letter but i guess she felt desperate to reach him. i read a very similar meme using some of those words on Pinterest describing “best friends”. I in no way support his parents behavior they did seem shady tho. but i do understand the love and bond between mother and son. Especially an only son with a mental disorder.

  17. Could be she's trying to get him to confess to her IF he did it. She wants to know, but not necessarily DOES know. Legally there may be no way to prove the worst interpretation.

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