Home Tallahassee Florida Federal marijuana possession pardons impact on local convictions

Federal marijuana possession pardons impact on local convictions


Biden is issuing an executive order calling for pardons of thousands of federal convictions for simple marijuana possession. Biden is also urging all governors to do the same, since decriminalization at the federal level does not change the majority of marijuana convictions — those are at the state level.



  1. Think of all the law enforcement money that could be going to catching dangerous criminals, but instead goes to pointless drug possession…DeSantis is too caught up in partisan bs to be a good governor, too bad for Florida.

  2. The American dream my arse!! Couldn’t live in USA. Too underdeveloped socially. I’ll stay in Norway , decriminalization of all drugs is in the way of only the Christian party would stop blocking progress.

  3. Just a political stunt by sleepy Joe with no or little impact on people since there are few "sole" possession convictions in Federal Court. Another attempt to buy votes with nothing in return.

  4. I'm 40 now. I haven't even been able to use job services, the programs which help people get jobs since I was 19. I had a half ounce pot conviction. Because of the mark on my record there was no point in continuing college, because I would not be able to get a good job because of my record. So I had to drop out. Why spend money going to college for a job I can't get. Ruined my life.

  5. Another BS declaration from the fraud and cheif, this will have 0 affect at state level. So unless you busted by the feds for moving large amounts of marijuana this is just the Democrats shopping for votes for the midterms.

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