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Florida officials say your shoe could save a child from dying in a hot car


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  1. People know what they are doing they don't forget their phone purse you start sending parents to jail for life . One case a mother and her 9 year old went in target and left to baby's in the car and came out40 minutes later with the windows up and no air on now you tell me what that mean america make excuses for certain people

  2. I’m trying not to judge, but I just don’t understand how a parent could forget their child in a hot car? How does this happen? I have a 3 year old and have never once forgot my child in my car. I always know when my child is in the car with me when I’m driving. How does this happen. As soon as I get off whether it be a grocery store or any other location, I make sure to take my son out of his car seat and take him with me! Don’t get me wrong I’m notorious for forgetting things. I work full time remotely from home in a very high demanding job while still caring for my child and working late hours. I can think of so many things I have forgotten, such as my my purse, my lunch bag, my kids bag, you name it, my wallet, my cell phone! However, never once have I forgotten my son in my car. I just don’t get it!

  3. Just sayin my Grandmother, Mother, Sister never needed to leave off a shoe to remember to take the kids out!!!! So now go ahead and blame it on car seats that those people didnt have to worry about. I know you want to but no Don't go there. They also didnt have cell phones, you are allowed to go there!!!!!!!

  4. How the hell do you forget a child in a car? Everyone with a working brain knows by now not to leave kid, pet in a hot car. And are these people seriously saying a shoe is more valuable to these "parents" than their kid? WTF?

  5. Stupid. I thought it was illegal to drive barefoot, but upon checking, it is not. IT SHOULD BE. You get in a car accident, you need to get out quickly, WHERE'S MY FKN SHOE? Glass, burning shit, pieces of metal, land in a bunch of sand spurs…. Whatever. I don't drive barefoot. EVER. And, if you forget your kid in a hot car, it's probably better if that genetic line is stopped anyway

  6. Parents dont need "reminders". They need to put their phones down and pay attention to their children. I'm willing to bet that the parents of those kids thst died just stick a tabletnin front of their kid for hours on end.

    If I don't hear my 5 year old moving/talking/playing for a minute or two, I get worried and have to check on him. Quietness literally nakes me worry.

  7. That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard… Yeah you don't need both shoes to drive safely 🤔 that's dumb… How about a lanyard… Clip it on the child seat then clip it to your keychain… You would have to unclip it to take your keys with you… I can't believe I'm actually saying this… I don't remember any kids getting locked in hot cars and dying or even pets when I was growing up… I guess people Weren't so distracted back then… A cheap thing would be the keychain fob that you connect to your keys and you can pull it out to open something up… Some of them are pretty long… Clip one into the car seat any other one into your seat belt after you click it or ignition key…

  8. I have no clue what leads to forget children and animals in hot weather in the car? But never say never, we don´t know how much pressure and stress will cause things like that, especially when you weren´t able to sleep, because of the heat.

    Dunno, i remember that cars in Germany in the 80ties had a warntone – whenever something was with the seatbelt – it pinged when seatbelt was still in use or if someone missed it before starting to drive. (i will never forget the plinplingpling everytime, even my sister only needed to open the door to get her long scarf completley into the car. It everytime felt annoying, but in the end this annoying tone nowaday can save lifes <3) or that the "Kindersicherung" was still active, so no one couldn´t open the backdoors without help from outside. Well i know that there is still the warning for the front-seats, but not for "Kindersicherung" and Back-Belts. Maybe it was special from my hometown like driving around with toilet-paper under a selfmade crochet work on the backtray – if you ever saw this: yes it is a dress for a roll of toilet paper xD…..

    That happened after the "non-seatbelt-crisis" in the 70ties when children often were hurt during accidents or fell out of the car while opening the backdoor while driving. (these days i see a lot children falling out of cars in china, especially out of bigger familycars, were the back can be easily opened).

    Now we see that some of the old mechanics are not obsolet, because of Children´s Seat nor Cages for our best friends. Maybe we should bring that back, instead of driving without shoes, what can lead to an accident while working with the pedals .;)

  9. It really isn’t that hard to forget that you have a child in your care good grief. I have a three year old and an infant and I’ve never for one second forgot that I’m a mother or that my children are with me in the car or anywhere else 🙄

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