Home Tallahassee Florida Florida Republicans want to make it easier to sue journalists

Florida Republicans want to make it easier to sue journalists


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  1. That's right feed the people lies and propaganda then you get fed a lawsuit sandwhich.
    They should be held accountable for false reporting without proof.
    Ruining families lives from lies for ratings and agenda direction.

  2. I want integrity back in journalism. they need to stop lying and expecting immunity. I can expect mistakes but the lack of accountability is ridiculous. incompetence and malice are hard to tell these days.

  3. “Critics say” followed by BS criticism of GOP. They never do that to Dems for some reason🤔. I’m just going to unsubscribe from the fake news and hope they move to California. Don’t give them anymore clicks.

  4. I think this will clean up a lot of the propaganda of the media and journalism today as we all know some news stations are nothing but pure propaganda. Design to slander and destroy people's livelihoods and reputation. This is unacceptable

  5. Hahahaha.
    Ron wants to remove the ability of proper journalists to state facts on news shows, when most of his views are spewed on Fox "News" which isn't even a news channel and contains no journalism whatsoever.
    Florida. Your Governance is reflecting your people.
    THAT is representative governing.
    Well done.

  6. It's all your fault journalists. You went to far. You didn't police yourselves or abide by your proffesional ethics so now the state is going to regulate you until you remember how to behave. Maybe in 20 years we can give you another chance after a new generation has been raised and properly trained. You are lucky you are getting off this easy. Some of the shit your profession has done over the past 20 to 30 years is abhorrent. We should be making examples of at least a few of you. Do better.

  7. The law needs to reflect intention in defamation of popular figures.
    As always, pushed to the limit of the law, supposed “Journalists” with 0 integrity destroy everyone’s lives with their false narratives.

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