Home Tallahassee Florida Florida school district says trans employees can’t use pronouns, bathrooms matching their...

Florida school district says trans employees can’t use pronouns, bathrooms matching their gender ide


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  1. lol more punishment for shit from the right, nothing productive. Just punish, blame, take away, ban. Its like middle eastern highly religious clerics have started running out country.

  2. Y’all never step foot in a class room or talk someone of higher authority and its shows.

    a word that can function by itself as a noun phrase and that refers either to the participants in the discourse (e.g., I, you ) or to someone or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g., she, it, this ).
    a third-person pronoun by which an individual wishes to be referred to in order to indicate their gender identity.
    noun: preferred pronoun; plural noun: preferred pronouns

    Examples: Sir, miss, Mr, Mrs ect

    So according to you guys logic a teacher going “my name is Mrs __” is grooming.

  3. It's just really too bad that everything in the history of the world has already been invented and there is nothing left for this generation to invent …unless….wait, yes…..there is one more thing. They can invent more than two genders. Now instead of he and she, we can have a multitude of combinations, He/SHEs and She/HEs and THEY and THEM and then we can further specialize in out own brand of perversion with assigning an alphabet letter to our identity, like L,G,B,Q,T. I wonder what would "O" and "I" be used for? If you're a straight woman should you be labeled as just "V" and if you're a twin straight woman would that be "W" ??? The letter "A" is already taken – not by a sexual preference but more by a personality type
    (A$$H0LE) So we wouldn't want that letter just to avoid confusion.

    No the next generation coming up will most certainly be short changed and have nothing left whatsoever to invent. I suppose they could just REinvent the entire queer population and throw them all back into just one big group and use the tilde symbol (~) to indicate the group. The symbol being a one-size-fits-all label to indicate "Wishy-Washy" or "sexualy wavering"

  4. If I understand this correctly, Dr. Anna Machiatto(sp?) needs to be referred to as he/him because she was born male. That's crazy. The schools are forcing the issue. Don't legislators know kids will question why they need to call "her" "him"? Makes no sense. Thankfully, she has her PhD, so she can be called Dr. No worries about Mr/Ms.

  5. I say if u want to look like a woman, call yourself one! And vice versa if you want to look like a man call yourself one!
    Leave it out of the classroom! Our kids have enough confusion and enough stuff to deal with!
    Let me ask u this, do u use the woman's or man's bathroom at work? Then call yourself that!
    And God forbid allowing any gender into any bathroom.
    Parents have to protect their kids from enough!!!!!!
    You look like a woman. U want to be like one. They why use them or they! Use woman and leave the kids out of it. You do NOT need to make it a point that you are a trans for God sakes. Do I have to stress that I'm a straight woman everywhere I go? No. What's your name? Use that!

    For God's sake! 😩

  6. DeSanctimonious allows trans employees?? I thought he was a homophobic transatlantic cross dressing hateful Nazi …. What gives .. it should be a valid legal hunting season for these creeps

  7. So now parents are going to have to explain to their children why a teacher that looks like a man is in the girls bathroom or why a teacher that looks like a woman is in the men's bathroom.

    That's gonna cause so many more issues by the parents. The Florida school system is a joke with the way DeSantis has done

  8. Perverts plans averted. Two thumbs up for Florida. I have a message for any transgender reading this. Inside myself I feel like I am a horse, but on the outside am I really a horse,,,really?? No, I am NOT. I am a woman. I was born a girl. And no matter how much I identify as a horse, well, it's just NOT so. Transgender people, look inside yourselves, then look in the mirror. What does the mirror reveal?? Get the procedure to change sex, don't get the procedure to change sex, either way, it's what's on the outside that matters. If you have a penis then use the men's room, if you have a vagina then use the women's room. BTW, the rest of us are sick of the Trans movement to infiltrate our schools and brainwash, traumatize and confuse the children. Now some of you are thinking right now after reading the first part your thinking "But if we just push hard enough, the rest of you will comply with what we want". I gotta say, that is not going to happen. The whole US should follow Florida on this issue.

  9. Good! These teachers crying about sharing their fkn pronouns need to focus on teaching rather than their gender and sexual orientation!! Keep it away from the fkn kids!! Why do they want to share their sexual orientation and preferences so badly with children?! That's some child predator/grooming crap ! Get over it already!! Teaching the kids should be the first priority, not this gender pronoun crap. I am so sick of hearing people cry about their fkn stupid pronouns. I dont care if people want to be trans or whatever, that's not the point but fkn keep your damn personal life private and stop bringing it into the classroom!! How hard is that?? Jfc.

  10. What does your identity have to do with teaching a child a lesson! Non of this should have ever happened at all and now our babies are suffering the consequences. What you identify has nothing to do with reality can’t change genetics at all dna is dna and all this should be left behind closed doors it’s a private matter that should never affect anyone professionally or academically it’s just silly and needs to stop

  11. Just teach "Chemistry" and not: "Trying To Be Out In The Classroom."

    Save that for those students working on their: College, Master's, PhD.

    Of course not because their too old to groom and try to manipulate with your ideologies.

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