Home Tallahassee Florida Florida tiger attack victim smelled of alcohol, refused to speak to deputies,...

Florida tiger attack victim smelled of alcohol, refused to speak to deputies, report says


Florida tiger attack victim smelled of alcohol, refused to speak to deputies, report says



  1. This is dumb we kill an animal doing animal things for some dumb ass who wanted to play with the it. That's natural selection he was a drunken loser anyways.
    What a poor loss of life for filth

  2. That is some bs. A drunk puts his arm in a tiger’s cage and tiger almost takes the guy’s arm…yes, that is how it works but to murder the tiger for doing what a tiger does…not acceptable.

  3. Why kill this tiger for some drunk who caused this. The tiger should have been darted not murdered and the person should have to suffer until the dart works. Change the law for gods sake and protect these cats, not deviants who are brain dead.

  4. So a drunkard man is worth more than an endangered tiger? All the money spent feeding and looking after it to just get killed I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the drunk did that deliberately to get the tiger killed.

  5. I love all the people defending this guy when the loss of his arm was absolutely avoidable. Killing the tiger wasn't going to bring that guy's arm back and the tiger would still be locked away into the enclosure. Lastly what do y'all expect? It's a damn TIGER!. Not a freaking poodle in that cage 🙄

  6. Stupid ,DRUNKS !
    Why are these type creature humans not put in some sort of cage to dry out in?
    Shouldn't be allowed to drive,work and function with the rest of us…..Why do we …..Have to Put Up With These Lousy DRUNKS ?!

  7. So you murdered the tiger for doing what an animal does when feeling threatened when it was the man's fault 100% and considering he was drunk they shot the wrong animal only animal here that should have been dealt with was the drunken idiot SO WRONG I'm tired of seeing innocent animals being killed for nothing for the mistakes that the human made not the animal and don't get me started on the fact that rich corrupt money hungry fools who keep taking away the homes of thousands of animals and then when that animal suddenly comes out bc you built something on THEIR land you wanna kill it all of this stuff just makes me sick people need to not be afraid of these animals it's the animals who should be afraid of the humans

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