Home Tallahassee Florida Friday Stream: Petito v. Laundrie, Carlee Russell, Your Thoughts on News Biz,...

Friday Stream: Petito v. Laundrie, Carlee Russell, Your Thoughts on News Biz, & More | #HeyJB Live


On this Friday livestream, WFLA Now’s JB Biunno #HeyJB goes over the big week in the upcoming Petito v. Laundrie trial, the sentence for Carlee Russell, and where the news industry in heading.




  1. Began watching WFLA and especially JB during the Gabby Petito case and do not watch any of the mainstream channels for news. I am in Tx. If there is something major going on I will watch WFLA, Sky news and BBC [ occasionally ]. Congratulations on becoming a new Dad , I bet you will be a good one.

  2. I'm just tuning in late to this. But congratulations to JB and Devan on the birth of their baby boy 😊 and I'm thinking JB for all of his tireless journalism covering these important stories for us all I have close cousin in Florida I live out in California and I wfla now everyday😊

  3. Congratulations JB. So very happy for you and your wife. You will be very missed though!
    Advice, and I’m sure you know because of the type of work you do, cherish every minute. Don’t sweat the small stuff!

  4. It not the same as Jonny Depp. They refused to look at anyone. They are more like Amber Heard in comparison. Heartless, or like a sociopath that has no regrets for their actions.
    They refused to talk to Gabby’s family

  5. I like the way you do the news – interactive and trying to seek the truth instead of reporting everything with a slant toward any one world view. I like that you remind people that we don't have all the facts, so we need to wait b4 making full judgments. You discourage bullying. You are how news should be – accurate, empathetic, and searching for the actual truth. You admit when you are wrong and apologize. The rest of mainstream news has no moral compass and support the suppression of the truth. People need to get the news from multiple sources and listen to the independent providers and discern when a provider is a truth seeker and which are just making money or attention.

  6. She should pay the full amount, even if it takes her entire life. But I think she should also do community service in the field of missing people. Jail time just punishes people. Someone like Carlee could become a much better person if she learned why her crime was so gregious and extended herself to help other people, especially missing person situations.

  7. Now you know WHY missing black’s don’t get the same coverage as all others, not just white. ^This lying and false info. is why, majority cry wolf cases come directly from that community. Desperate for attention by any means possible. And look, Carlee is STILL trying to remain relevant.

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