Home Tallahassee Florida Gov. DeSantis cracks down on illegal immigration as Title 42 ends

Gov. DeSantis cracks down on illegal immigration as Title 42 ends


8 On Your Side Investigator Mahsa Saeidi has the latest.



  1. Cracking down on illegals? Most likely he hired them as well. Just like other Republicans. What a typical HYPOCRITICAL Republican! Just say "I want votes"! If he gets elected i'm sure he'll allow them to return to his state to work. Especially in the fields of Florida. I keep on wondering 🤔 why Republicans never, never say "I quit eating"!?!? Gee whizz, I wonder 🤔 why?!?! And now he's hurting the black community in Florida! Wow 😲! How about that?!? HE HAD TO BE REPUBLICAN! Like a farmer in Alabama or Georgia once said, "If you're tired of illegals that's fine, get rid of them, just quit eating"! Or like another farmer in Florida said, "Get rid of them, just remember to pay higher prices for your food"! Hopefully it doesn't raise the price of gasoline! Or could it? Ask an economist. Just wait and see all of the restaurants in Florida run out of food 🥑🥝🥬🍏🍓🍔🍅! Or am I wrong?! Ask restaurant owners, they should know. Oh! This goes out to De Santis sympathizers as well. When you finally get rid of these people Americans can get their jobs back!!! I just LOVE 💕 how these HYPOCRITICAL Republicans creat the problem of illegals by hiring them and then how they have the COURAGE to blame Democrats! Remember Republicans. Violating your own laws has its CONSEQUENCES! Or not!? Just look at Florida. I wonder 🤔 who on earth is going to pick tomatoes 🍅 in the Homestead area in southern Miami?! Republicans perhaps?! Who are fed up with illegals?! Well, you're welcome to get your job back! So. To all Republicans out there. The next time you decide to hire these people, pleas, please 🥺, do it LEGALLY, LAWFULLY, according to the law as it is written in the books. That way illegals won't do things illegaly in the country! You're the ones who opened up the floodgates for all this to happen. Remember Republicans. There's only two ways of doing things. The right way and the wrong way. If I were Republican I would opt for the former. Or not? Which sounds the right way? You decide.

  2. Then the white will get to clean the sewers pick the vegetable and fruits they will get to clean the toilets clean the pig pens and the pigs in the goveror mansion maybe rons wife and kids can do that work

  3. The next few weeks are going to be chaotic?
    The left is collapsing AMERICAS INFRASTRUCTURE…
    Thankyou, Gov. Desantis for once again setting the bar high on leadership for the nation!

  4. An illegal driving a front loader at a construction site? Lol. Hey dummy. They’re ALL ILLEGAL. Go ahead and keep them out. You’ll see how fast this new home construction real estate boom you’ve been riding will dry up. That’s not a liberal point of view. That’s just a fact here in Florida.

  5. This land does not belong to white people this is stolen land and Hispanics have been here for centuries they are the natives to this land Mayans Aztecas and more indigenous people come from Mexico and Guatemala y’all white people should be ashamed of y’all selfs and watch all the companies go down because I have never seen a white Person work in the heat before 😂

  6. Governor just chances should send the prisoners in the State of Florida prison and Rayford and Stark and mixing the prisoners with the illegal aliens he's going to send to New York and Chicago the people coming in now over the Border are illegal and their Criminal they are not workers and they are not Pickers

  7. That’s right. U can’t let the whole world just march into USA. I agree if people want to migrate to USA do as Ron. Says . Trump always say come legally . Makes sense . USA can’t continue to be a dumping ground

  8. To understand this US/Mexico border migration mess, consider this: 1st, the USA government's business model began with free labor provided by African slaves and indentured servants from Europe. That basic business model will never change… which is evident by this intentionally created migrant influx.

    Second, the US govt, via agencies like the CIA, sabotaged the countries most of these migrants come from. Now the chickens are coming home to the USA to roost.

    Thirdly, the elite/wealthy Americans need these immigrants to work for cheap in order to maintain their rich lifestyle.

    Lastly, this mass influx was created by the elite– Dems and GOP– TO REPLACE "uppity" US citizens with motivated and mostly "uneducated" and poor immigrants.

    Wake up US citizen, wake up, now!!

  9. How is he going too deport 3 million people 😅what will happen too the children of all these people who is going too work all those jobs that fat Americans don’t want too 😂 the food prices rent is about too go too the moon these law makes no sense for Americans and for aliens 👽 😂.

  10. DeSantis will turn to the dark side and be just like all the past presidents and stay the course if he gets to be president and will be bought by big business. All politicians talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

  11. This reporter used the word "illegal immigration". That's a no no. It's now just plain migrant or undocumented… similar to all the pronoun BS. Wouldn't be surprised if she's later fired.

  12. As a fellow Honduran Floridian American, I say let us accept all these Dreamers into our Sanctuary city and into our homes. Provide them with shelter, food, jobs and kindness. I myself have 3 Dreamers living downstairs rent free. All I ask is that they cut my lawn once a week using my rider lawnmower. They are happy to do so and I pay them for the service. The men hang out by the local junior high school and make many friends, especially the ones who speak Creole, Patwa and Arabic. They also attend the local Church and Mosque. So let us all as Americans, welcome them into our Homes. Shame on Biden and his Cronies !!! The Dems supported Sanctuary Cities during President Trump Era but now want a “WALL” !!! What a bunch of Liars !! Shame on Mayorkissmya$$ !!!! My fellow Floridians please let them into your own homes !!! There is plenty of space in Wyoming, North Dakota and Idaho. Who is going to clean Sharon Osborne’s toilets ? Bus tables ?
    The so called So Cal L.A. Liberals who pretend to be advocates for folks destroyed the homeless tents on Venice Beach cause it was a nuisance to their multi million dollar homes. Love thy Neighbor. Even the ones in tents !

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