Home Tallahassee Florida Grady Judd gives update on deputy-involved shooting in Winter Haven


  1. Grady Judd & Elon Musk 2024!!!!!
    Politicians are the pollution not the solution vote for outsiders of the system like military members economic leaders parents and truckers not politicians!!!! Invoke and ban politicians from service!!!

  2. I used to have respect for this guy as a 1%er in terms of police usefulness. I recently found that he, the sheriff with so many officers conducting themselves badly, is dead set against qualified immunity. His explanation of this position included his utter lack of understanding of qualified immunity. He wants to keep handling problems on the inside instead of opening his department to scrutiny by the public. Very typical cop mindset. It's not okay sheriff, and the days of your guys violating everyone's civil rights without any accountability are soon to be over. You should try to change the Pitt bull mindset back to the public servant mindset. Everyone isn't the enemy and I think the first step is to quit allowing your officers to play dress up like a bunch of little girls. They dress in full tactical gear like they're clearing homes in Iraq. It is an extremely aggressive posture as is the case with all police interactions. Clean up your act and trim off the violent bullies who are above the law dickhole. Serve the community… properly……finally .

  3. Sheriff Grady Judd. This man has both hands full . It's amazing he doesn't have all white hair… Don't know if he even sleeps at night ! But if you commit a crime in Polk County .HE'S GOING TO GET YOU FOR SURE ! DONT DO THE CRIME IF YOU CANT DO THE TIME.! In Polk County .AND IN CITRUS COUNTY. Sheriff Mike Pentaghast will get you also !

  4. This whole county is corrupt sheriff Grady Judd you're corrupt I can't stand anybody here it's fake you're taking good people and ruining their lives you're making them out to be bad people when you made them this way quit being fake quit stealing money quit laundering money sheriffs are corrupt I grew up with one as my grandfather I would know you hide behind that badge and that car and you arrest decent people who are broken and hurt instead of getting them help so you can get a paycheck the day of the Lord is coming do you think you're going to make it

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