Home Tallahassee Florida Hernando County Sheriff’s Department to hold training session for active shooter situation

Hernando County Sheriff’s Department to hold training session for active shooter situation


The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office will once again be hosting two information sessions on Civilian Response to Active Shooter.



  1. All school shootings come complete with "Active Shooter" drills! Do some research and you will find most all school shootings had active shooter drills by their local PIG FARM in the days leading up to the "event"! The cowards try so hard to be relevant, but people already know they can trust drug dealers and catholic priests more with our children than we can them!

  2. We're supposed to take lessons from the cops after Uvalde?

    Frankly, I think this is just more fearmongering. Statistically, very very few people will ever find themselves in the middle of a mass shooting in their lifetimes. Hold a training session for bad drivers instead. That will actually save lives.

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