Home Tallahassee Florida How to spot Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) tonight

How to spot Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) tonight


How to spot Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) tonight: Meteorologist Amanda Holly breaks down where and when to look.



  1. ? The big dipper, little dipper, and north star are in the NORTH!! The moon and mars pass almost directly overhead, at least from the perspective of Maryland. You make it look like all of them are in the northern sky

  2. I was lucky enough to have seen 2 comets in my life. Haleys Comet in 1986, which was a big disappointment and then 1996 Comet Hale Bopp. Now Comet Hale Bopp was a truly great Comet.
    Unfortunately this time with all the rain and cloud cover over my house, I'm not able to show my kids what a spectacular and awesome sight a Comet is. For those of you that can get to see it, be happy cause people like me that want to can't. Peace out and keep looking up.

  3. In the northern hemisphere, neither the planets nor the moon are ever in the northern part of the sky. The planets and the moon are visible from the east, through the south, to the west, mostly following the path of our Sun.

    That being said, The placement of the comet above the North Star is relatively correct. Happy hunting, and clear skies!

  4. Thanks – good report. Yours was the only thing I could find that gave a straightforward, no frills explanation of exactly where to look. I think I found it but not sure. Very tiny little greenish fuzzy blob. 🙂 Once in a lifetime- 🌠

  5. From Central America, ​I took out my telescope. Looked Northeast and saw it with my own eyes. To the naked eye, it's a small green Dot. With a professional telescope, it's looking a lot like the video. It's truly awesome! 💙

    🌌 See you later, Space Cowboys! 🌌

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