Home Tallahassee Florida Hurricane Ian: Brian Entin joins #HeyJB, Governor DeSantis update | Tracking the...

Hurricane Ian: Brian Entin joins #HeyJB, Governor DeSantis update | Tracking the Tropics on WFLA Now


Authorities throughout southwest Florida will hit the road on Thursday in communities battered by the massive Hurricane Ian to assess damage, clear debris and respond to calls for help as millions of Floridians remain sheltered in place.

Ian, now weakened to a tropical storm, made landfall near Cayo Costa, Florida, on Wednesday afternoon, bringing powerful Category 4 hurricane-strength winds, rain and surge to the doorsteps of millions. Many coastal communities remained under several inches of flood water on Thursday and many more were left without electricity.

Tracking the Tropics: Powered by Handyman Roofing | Chief Meteorologist Jeff Berardelli, Host JB Biunno, Meteorologist Rebecca Barry, Meteorologist Leigh Spann, Meteorologist Eric Stone, Meteorologist Amanda Holly




  1. I'm confused! I just finished watching Gov. DeSantis give a press briefing and something was very odd. It was delivered well, he was mentally coherent, his statements made sense, his statements had substance, his statements contained valuable information other humans actually want to hear about, he didn't start off with two words: "Made in America", his actions as governor reflect the will of the majority of those he represents, his actions as governor yield positive results for the citizens of FL, he seems to truly care about the ppl of FL, he didn't shout "Sit down! You'll hear what I have to say!" at storm victims trying to express concerns, on top of all of this Gov. DeSantis exhibits more than zero characteristics of a great leader, in fact he exhibits a lot of characteristics of a great leader. For the past year or so I have thought Gov DeSantis would make an excellent president but he has nothing, NOTHING in common with the cognitive disaster that shouldn't be trusted to correctly guess what day of the week it is. Somehow there are ppl so stupid they thought he was the person that should have sole authority over the decision to use nuclear weapons. Driving a very curvy 2 lane mountain road along the edge of a cliff at 70 mph while blindfolded seems much smarter and safer. 2024 cannot get her fast enough!

  2. JB, I just want to Thank YOU for covering this. I have come to rely on YOU for accurate, true, up-to-date information. You have such lovely compassion for people who are suffering I know I will receive only FACTS from you. Your voice is kind and soothing and I believe many, many people came to rely on you due to your outstanding coverage of poor darling Gabby's ordeal and murder . You are a good man. Keep up the great work I count on YOU!!!
    A Colorado Mountain Grandma, USA 💜

  3. OMG!! Not hearing from family is so awful. That happened to me about 30 yrs ago when my daughter was in the bad Earthquake area in CA. I didn't hear from her for about 18 hours and I was a basket case.

  4. Here in Va we are experiencing Ians tears all weekend . I also grew up in NH and I lived in Fl 6 years from 2013 on.
    Went thru Irma with horses and it scarred me. (And I've been in Noreasters ,fires floods etc.) We took a direct hit in Polk as it turned in the last 15 min b4 landfall.
    Now watching the feeds from everywhere they are bringing up ghosts but also seems not so relevant in current comparison although… That was enough for me .

    The only way not to be a weather wimp is to JUST DO IT. Its all in your mind. Be a warrier . That 70 degrees seems heavenly to me.

    But I digress .Really I wanted to say that the stress I experienced here worrying was as REAL
    as what JB was mentioning . I think most of the world felt it somewhat. I ffelt all week like I
    got hit with an electrical current. On high alert even while asleep .Especially with my youngest all alone with little prep. Everyone i know was relatively unscathed, minor compared to others.
    Don't forget in all this mess .to be grateful and graceful . Cherish each day and everyone you know and even ones you dont know.
    If ever an ailing world needed that more than now I doubt it.
    Just a simple kind word can rescue a broken, battered desolte outlook , ruined spurit and refresh hope It's really simple to do.

    And lastly a shoutout to hospital staff linemen and rescuers of all kinds.
    Thank u for this forum and the dedication of SO many individuals

  5. I feel bad for the people of Florida, these type of Hurricane is very common in Florida and people really know and understand what to do, as for DeSantis lets not forget when New York City got hit by Sandy The House today overwhelmingly passed a bill providing $9.7 billion in flood insurance aid for Hurricane Sandy victims. All 67 votes against the aid came from Republicans, including Florida Reps. Ron DeSantis and Ted Yoho, both whom were sworn in yesterday. I surely have not forgotten and now he's on his knees, now the foot is in the other foot.

  6. Here in FL this storm was no joke. The news labeled as a tropical storm, the thing is those who went through it and are going through it this is/was a hurricane 🌀 This size of this is massive it's was the longest storms I have been through, it started before it even made land. We lost power and we are inland in Florida. They need to do better with all this technology they should be able to do better detecting what this is really going to be.
    A category 4 hurricane in the ocean you can still feel it on land. A category 1 hurricane they make it sound like it's not a big deal but 80 mph wind it's a big deal with all the rain.

  7. I am from central mass. and now live in St Pete. I have seen many Blizzards that were bad, but nothing like what has happened to Fla. Like a war Zone. We here in St Pete and Tampa lucked out. We were the ones that were were supposed to get hit. Take care people rebuilding will start soon. God Bless……

  8. Looks like Desantis Will be Begging Biden for Money and Begging Migrants to Rebuild Florida ; Desantis Should Not have Spent Florida Taxpayers Money on Flying Migrants up North ; that Money and those Migrants Could have Saved lives in Florida !!!

  9. Thanks y'all. I live in Temple Terrace but used to work in Punta Gorda and lived in the North Cape/Burnt Store region of north Lee/Charlotte when Charley hit, this WAS a much different and more vicisous beast of a storm. Y'all have provided me more info tha any other outlet, even NBC-2 which is fixated on FM Beach and tje Sanibel Causeway with good reason though they did mention the Matlacha Pass Bridge is gone too…. Tough Time folks. Prayers for those in Lee/Charlottre/Sarastota and others affected by this damned storm!

  10. I feel so sorry for that pregnant woman and the rest in this situasion It will take time to fixing hoses and Area up All the water who is flomming over us terribell To wake up with this Dont think many ther have sleept this night

  11. Can anyone make any update regarding Rotunda West? It's about 15 minutes from Englewood beach. Asking for a friend.

    Thank you SO much for your calm, realistic, honest reporting. It is SO appreciated that you are not sensationalizing reports and adding panic or fear in the midst of everything. God bless you!

  12. Jesus is coming soon! Please do not be left behind, you do not know the hour when He will come, it is better to be ready now than to have regret when millions of people will disappear. Come now before its too late.
    The Last Hour:
    Jesus spoke of these words:
    “As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” For many
    will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:3, 5-8‬ ‭ESV‬

    Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    ABC's of Salvation.
    A – is for admit or acknowledge that you've sinned because absent the admission of sin, why would you need a Savior?
    Romans 3:10 says, "There is no one righteous, not even one.”
    Romans 3:23 tells us why. It is because "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
    Romans 6:23 is the sentencing phase, if I can say it like that. What's the penalty for sin? Well, "The wages of sin is death.”
    It's the death penalty, but here's the good news. "The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

    B – which is really central, just believe, simply believing in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord.
    Romans 10:9-10 says, "If you believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved.”

    C – lastly, very simply, is for call upon the name of the Lord.
    Romans 10:9-10 also says, "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it's with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
    Romans 10:13 seals the deal. "All who call upon the name of the Lord [And I want you to listen to this word, “will,” not “might,” not “could” not “should”] WILL be saved."
    That's it? Yeah. That simple? Yeah. Aren't you glad?

    Sinners prayer:
    Pray the salvation prayer:

    Heavenly Father, please forgive me of all my sins and shame, i know I am a sinner and not worthy to inherit the kingdom, but because you send your son to die on the cross for my sin, i realized how you loved me and been waiting for me to come to know and recognized you through Jesus Christ your son. Please forgive me of my sin and cleanse my heart, Lord Jesus come into my life and help me walk closer to you, give me the gift of life of eternal and be my Lord and Savior, in Jesus name I pray amen.

    Congratulations you are now part of the family of God.

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