Home Tallahassee Florida Inmate advocates want ‘complete transparency’ on Pinellas sex offender camp

Inmate advocates want ‘complete transparency’ on Pinellas sex offender camp


Inmate advocates want ‘complete transparency’ on Pinellas sex offender camp



  1. This is the most current sex offense data that I can find: Not all of Sex Offenders are Pedophiles. 1st:The definition of Pedophile is someone who is attracted to children under 11. 2nd: sex offenders have the lowest reoffense rate of all other crimes, except murder, 1 to 5%. 3rd: 94% of all new sex offenses are commited by people that are NOT on the registry, they are comitted by family, friends, clergy etc. 3rd: 72% of all sex offenders on the registry are NON CONTACT offenses. The Trauma rate of victims of sex abuse (according to the results of a Canadian Study) is 8% Long Term.

    The Draconian regulations and restrictions on sex offenses have caused theses Offenders to have a very difficult time finding, housing, jobs, medical help, even after serving lengthy prison/parole/ probation sentences, they have paid their debt to society! The Registry protects no one. Why not allow the 900,000 registered offenders off of registries after proving they are no loger any threat and finally get jobs and boost the economy. Why not use the wasted money spent on a registry that essentially doesnt protect anyone and use it to help victims and the offenders heal and become productive citizens. I personally think that if they have to have a Registry it should not be Public information, it should be only for Law Enforcement and people working in professions that have children.

  2. Pinellas county has more sex offenders than any other county its disgusting! I live in Pinellas park they baby these sex iffenders all the time Pcso needs to think protect the kids nit the criminal that hurt the kid! pcso needs to do there job almost all sex offenders in Pinellas county are listed as unknown address they have no idea and dont care

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