Home Tallahassee Florida Jury finds Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office 90% responsible for teen’s 2014 death...

Jury finds Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office 90% responsible for teen’s 2014 death after state fa


Jury finds Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office 90% responsible for teen’s 2014 death after state fair



  1. The poor young boy was probably scared for his life after being detained and harassed by racist white cops. He wasn't thinking correctly & was probably told "run niggeer" & out of fear just wanting his freedom, he ran. The 3 hot delay is probably a lie, did they take his cell phone?? We will never know since the young man's life was taken. 🙏

  2. I think somebody needs to step up and go file to complain on these parents where is the parents was when their child was crossing over a 14-year-old boy was talking over an Interstate I-4 I think it's time to do the right thing and start falling and complain against these parents I swear the parents are sorry as hell but letting a 14-year-old boy go to the fairground by himself without a parent or an adult supervised that's called Child neglect

  3. The lottery strikes again. 🙄 I suppose if he didn't get kicked out of the fair and was killed there it would still be the Hillsborough county cops fault. Can't win. Maybe if mommy and daddy had taught their little angel to not cross freeways (illegal activity for me but not for thee) he would still be here.

  4. I'm sure they'll have fun with them millions of dollars they got kids should have known better their child across the street after all he was 14 years old he wasn't stupid was he why was you trying to cross I-4 especially with cars coming??

  5. That's his own fault to cross I4 . How's that the sheriff's offices fault ? Anyone will do anything for money these days . This family doesn't deserve a dollar for their sons own stupidity. Sorry not sorry

  6. Now cops are responsible for kids that fight and cause problems at a fair when there kicked out! This falls squarely on the kid and parents! No one else! Plus there’s a under pass going under I 4 right there to the hard rock!

  7. November Elections vote politicians who are not courrpt fraud lying politicians or rhinos vote Republicans who love America the Constitution the law freedom closed borders, this people get 15 million dollars insane it is the boys fault for running across the street, makes no sense,

  8. Looks like a case of possible terminal stupidity & irresponsible parenting. So many "parents" leave the responsibility of caretaking to society/ the general public for years. Then want to act outraged when something goes wrong. Always someone else's fault. Imagine if the verdict came back — Shitty parenting

  9. Red & Blue = Straight Criminal involved in Gangstalking, Community Watch Group Felony Stalking, Slander, Faud and Blacklisting Campaign isn't that right Special Agent Fred Barnes A African American Male who illegally put me on a Homeland Security Watch List practicing Cointelpro Tactics in GlenBurnie Maryland against my wife and I a Human Trafficker for Federal Dollars and Grants misappropriations of Federal Grants by the COPS Program, Citizen Corp and many others here in GlenBurnie Maryland. Fred Barnes GOT BUTT HURT over a argument on Fakebook over politics and who I voted for in 2016 .Fred Barnes I you are prepared in January for the Federal Criminal Complaint I. FEDERAL COURT against you and many others in the GlenBurnie Community.

  10. Lord I smells some taxpayer greenbacks! Lord have mercy ! Tyrone you finally did some good for me! How much Tyrone be worth? I best get at least what dat other crackhead in Minneapolis got after dat policeces kneel on his neck!

  11. The sheriff's office is not responsible…the parents lack any conscience or responsibility..speaks volumes to the way these parents raised him…he knew he could not count on his parents…to help him…disgusting…

  12. So this kid was so stupid to be out & about and yet the parents let him out. Then gets kicked out of the event & 3 hours later get's hit by a car & its the Sheriff's fault?.. Got it

  13. My parents let’s us go to a movie theatre with a drop off, pick up by one of them. If I were to get kicked out based on my rowdiness and 3 hours later, run my a$$ across the 91, the cops would be held responsible? The rules have changed for everyone? Or just this case? I’m sorry for these parents losing their child, but what responsibilities do theses parents have?

  14. Sure they should have called his parents, but he made the decision to cross an interstate with more traffic than usual with the state fair going.
    The fair had to make a lot of changes because of the gangs & rioters in the late evenings.
    Very sad this young man died, but now you have to be at the fairgrounds with an adult after certain hours.
    Did this fella have a cell phone on him; did he ask the deputy if he could call someone to pick him up?
    15 million what will the funds be used for? It would be interesting to know who was on that jury!

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