Home Tallahassee Florida JUST IN: Laundries send list of requests to Gabby Petito’s parents

JUST IN: Laundries send list of requests to Gabby Petito’s parents


Brian Laundrie’s parents have sent requests to the parents of Gabby Petito as they prepare their defense in the civil lawsuit expected to go to trial later this year. WFLA Now’s JB Biunno has the details in his full report:



  1. They could have avoided all the harassment if they had just turned their son in. They aided him and kept things from everyone trying to find him. If they aren't arrested for aiding and abetting, then they will be harassed and ridiculed for the rest of their lives probably

  2. request all you want! there was a fbi investigation covering all this so it is a showboat to soft the listeners…..judge jury press!!!
    the laundries know all of this allready and the gabby petito foundation could use a pay increase…..

  3. This laundry family are poopoo! What disgusting behavior to society and gabby and her family’s ! I hope they go to prison , they can die there to for all I care . The torture and coldness they’re still putting gabbys family through and all they had to do was apologize or answer if anything and none of this drama would continue!! Brian destroyed his family back

  4. Unpopular opinion but I don't care. I just think they need to let this go. None of this is going to make Gabbys death right. It will never make sense. But continuing to ag this on is not going to make anything better for Gabbys parents.
    I'm not saying Brian's parents where in the right but he was their son. They didn't touch or do anything to gabby herself so I just don't see the point in this. Even if the mother did offer to buy a shovel or whatever it doesn't matter. She was just a mother who loved her son and didn't want to see him go to prison. Again I'm not saying it's right but they were just parents as well. Maybe not the best ones with the greatest morals but parents none the less.

  5. The laundries are just disgusting. I hope the sister keeps distancing herself if she wasn't lying about not being in the loop. Otherwise she can join the dirty laundries. Just gross. I look forward to justice being served for the rest of their lives. They tossed Gabby aside like nothing…. I guess that's the way they treat their "daughters".

  6. Without embarrassing her parents,it will prove a point,her parents were not to interested in talking to her,until her an Brian drove up there,to maybe move in,idk,but that didn't happen ,so plan 2 since living with while living off of parents only works for awhile,an neither having a job,well,yes the get rich from social on line contributions,fb,yt,her an Brian were young ,so why not try,better than real job….so off they went,and soon as they had a little bit money, Gabby's grandpa needed some…. Brian's credit card had probably,funded,the begining,of this,…well her telling mom tht had made some money,an mom asking her to fund grandpa's,move,well I can see how this would upset,Brian,,,,an imagine your lazy son living off you,then meeting a girl,on line,an moving her into your house….. these people,her parents, especially need to forget about getting rich from this,an for the sake of other young people,tell the truth,….an may they both rip,iam curious, where is grampa???

  7. The Laundries want to see everything the Petitos have so they can continue to cover their tracks. How do they keep getting away with this? They didn’t share one grain of evidence with the Petitos when they begged for help! I think it’s been evident the entire time that the Laudnries have played a key role in hiding Gabby’s death as long as possible, harboring critical information, hindering an investigation, and having a hand in their son’s demise.

  8. The Laundries have no right to “request” anything from Gabby’s parents. I really hope that the law stands up for Gabby’s family. The Laundries are owned absolutely nothing and Gabby’s family should not have to give them any money from Gabby’s movie.

  9. why are mental health professionals silent? no money in it for them? the evidence is overwhelming that this was a putative assisted suicide of someone suffering from BPD in severe mental and physical distress.
    the cops I had the body cam footage read Gabby correctly (see esp the end of the long cam footage), which is why they didn't charge Gabby with DV (and the department upheld the cops wise counsel as exemplary on review).

  10. Ok, please bear w me – I have a strong theory…
    The Laundries knew as soon as BL could get to a phone. He was returning when he was pulled over, a few miles from his parents’ house in FL. At the time he was pulled over, he claimed he had an atty and headed straight home, where local LE were keeping eyes on him. Gabby’s body hadn’t been found yet. Laundries’ atty Bertolino was a buffer. If the traffic stop footage/report could be obtained, then Btlno lied about his date of taking the case, which he claims, started several days later. I’m not the one to do an FOIA for the day BL likely arrived in FL for bodycam footage, or the report of that stop. Hope someone will. I read a short transcript of this incident at the beginning, when Gabby Petito had not yet been found. I haven’t been able to find it again.

    …Given that I believe he had an atty as he returned home, just in case – I think this was strategized by the family in stages. BL was freaked out and hitchhiked to use a pay phone to tell his traditional Greek parents what had happened. Parents Contacted Btlno to make a plan. Get BL home, go from there.
    Once home, and just before Gabby’s body was found, he had had a chance to go camping (wonder when that reservation was made?) with his sister and family, (maybe ditch a weapon, or incriminating media, etc.) – he mowed the lawn and went for runs… right whenGabby’s body was discovered he had taken the family car to the reserve.

    By this time, it was obvious the choice was murder charges/death p. or exiting the planet. BL and his family agreed on the latter. Motives: Avoid family shame and BK with his particularities about food and water, people and groups in general, freedom – prison not an option. Somehow, BK then drove to the reservation, and Roberta drove the car back, it had been ticketed w a warning for parking by then, 2 days later. And somehow it took LE and the FBI a day to realize BL wasn’t in the house, hadn’t been the one under the hat coming out of the returned car. And Mom n Pop Laundrie humdeedummed about their lives, ignored the media and the Petito family’s desperate pleas for connection.
    Pop Laundrie knew immediately a gun was missing. A confession of sorts was crafted, as promised… and pops knew just where to look for his son’s remains and all the evidence in handy waterproof bags, when after 10s of thousands of speculations and expense, and a month… finally, what was left of BL. How anticlimactic. And that « confession. » what a legacy. BL wasn’t a killer, he had anger and self worth issues, and who knows what diagnoses.

    The Laundries are accessories after the fact, and they caused a whole lotta pain and anguish for nothing but pride. imho

    If you’ve taken the time to read this, thank you! If one looks at the whole of the actions, attire, and movements of the Laundries, every step calculated, it makes sense. BL could have buried her, he had time to do that.
    Almost scripted? Lmk your thoughts.

  11. I still do not believe the filthy laundries scum is dead! His parents are scum also! And need to be jailed for harbouring a murderer! Get lost dirty laundries! We have your back Gabbys Family!!

  12. Reality…all this, a family must endure. 2 young lives lost because 4 traffic cops were incompetent. Alleged. If those traffic cops had not been arrogant jerks to these two young people, these two would be alive. Unreal what Gabbys family is and has had to endure. These Laundries are horrible people. Condolences to Gabbys family. Stay Strong. Your work is honoring your Daughter and this court fight is what you must do to show these people their actions of lack of action is still a despicable evil action against Gabbys Parents. Alleged. I hope you are finding peace in knowing Gabbys life has made global awareness of Domestic Abuse. More women and Men are alive today because of her ! I'm sorry for your loss. She's with you every second. ❤️ Your strength is powerful. Stand Sure! Hold your head high above the Laundry circus! ❤️ sending strength and love. 🇨🇦

  13. What the laundries need to do is speak. Their son did the most horrible thing to Gabby and they think they deserve stuff. Hell no. The laundries need to man up butter cup.

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