Home Tallahassee Florida Local supply company comes forward to accept responsibility for nail drop

Local supply company comes forward to accept responsibility for nail drop


Chip Osowski 5:45 report



  1. What a blessing. This company deserves a Thank You. When you know you did a mistake and then you say I’ll fix the problem, that shows you there is still good people. We need that right now when everything is so crazy right now. AWSOME job ABC !!

  2. Thats a good person taking responcabilly for his employers unfortunet screw up.But that man proud of his business an protects with honesty awesome business owner ! Should promote his business for being honest an coming forward !

  3. The surprise of this is the shock displayed that someone was honest. More evidence of being well adjusted to a profoundly ill society. Should be everyday life, honesty, instead of everyday murders no one is shocked about.

  4. That says a lot about this company. Accountability is almost nonexistent these days so kudos to these guys for taking responsibility! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  5. More companies need to be like that… especially rock hauling trucks.. my brand new yukon got blasted by unsecured load of rocks and caused over $3000 in damages and the company doesn’t wanna pay…. The company is Vulcan

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