Home Tallahassee Florida Manatee County man says shipping container homes could be affordable housing solution

Manatee County man says shipping container homes could be affordable housing solution


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  1. That's amazing, put what will inevitably become shreds of metal shrapnel all over the state so that when a hurricane comes we can basically have house grenades that break a part easily and fly up into the hurricane, then they can be thrown all over all the other homes.
    Great idea. Has the idiot that came up with it ever been through a hurricane????
    How about the government fix the economy instead of trying to shove people into little metal boxes that will inevitably get crushed and cause more property damage during hurricane season. HONESTLY.

  2. lol what a laugh once you remove walls doors etc on a container they lose all integrity they have zero insulation and nowhere to run power, water, etc, & they sure wouldn't hold up during a windstorm as they would be weaker than a mobile home – the cost of running water, power & septic & buying the land would outweigh the cost

  3. Bad idea, they tried those in disasters in foreign countries and the metal composition just bakes whats inside isulated walls or not. Big energy drain if try to air-condition and forget solar. Why dont ppl research their "big ideas" first.

  4. Excellent concept. The bigger issue is FINDING THE LAND where these types of homes are permitted. Most HOA's will not allow them, so where to find the land, and if the land is rural, does it also need septic, water, and electricity brought to the lot?

    Raw land may be cheap to buy, but it is NOT affordable once you pay to…

    …have it surveyed
    …have a perq test done
    …have septic installed or
    …have water, sewer, and electricity run to the property and connected
    …pay for your living expenses WHILE this home is being built

    It's a lot of investment…and essential workers don't often have a massive nest egg to fund all that. Loan rates are high right now, which is another problem.

    Love this man's design, though. He's made it a practical, liveable size.

  5. Dang I wish people would do a little more homework before buying into all this shipping-container homes concept. Full disclose, I love Tiny-Homes, I love the idea of non-conventional housing, I'm 100% on board with all of that. But shipping containers are just a bad choice of frames for many reasons. They're purpose built and that purpose is not housing. To retrofit them into something suitable is far more expensive, and substantially inferior, to just fabricating something from scratch that is purpose-built to be housing from the onset.

    I think if people really want an affordable, sustainable housing option they should look into Sod-Homes, especially some of the Earth-Ship designs that made extensive use of old-tires stacked up and filled with gravel as ground retaining sidewalls. Being partially underground vastly reduces heating costs in winter and cooling costs in summer. Far more resilient against adverse wind events. Incredibly cheap, they cost about as much as it takes to dig a hole in the ground.

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