Home Tallahassee Florida Neighbors push for more police and cameras at violent crime forum

Neighbors push for more police and cameras at violent crime forum


Smith and a few more than a dozen citizens went to tonight’s violent crime forum. Though it appeared like cops outnumbered neighbors two to one, people had a lot to say.



  1. They talk about abolishing police and don’t prosecute thugs than cry about the crime. Screw you people. I just don’t even care. You people ask for it.

  2. When will you moron voters and leftist media activists realize that all democrat led cities are plagued with this shit? Elections have consequences. You get what you vote for.

  3. Why is a murderer allowed to be bonded out of Jail??????? There should be no such thing if the cameras caught the crime! That murderer was proven guilty by action caught on camera…

  4. Doesn't matter how many police and cameras you got, it doesn't matter when they just let the criminals out or give them petty sentences. There was a man that had an ankle bracelet and kidnapped a woman and made her pull money out the ATM. Killed her and still used her card despite ATMs having cameras. He didn't care. He figured if they gave him a few months in jail and an ankle bracelet for kidnapping and s*xu@l assa*lt. It was worth the risk to do it again, and take it further.

    Its like with spoiled and antisocial children. When there are no repercussions/punishments for their actions or little slap on the wrists. They will not learn and keeping driving to see how far they go and get away with things. Lying leads to stealing, then stealing leads to killing.

  5. These same people who want more police today. Will next week be protesting the police to leave their neighborhood. Let them hire their own security. Then maybe they will be satisfied either way.

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