Home Tallahassee Florida New teaching restrictions ‘vague and unclear’ say critics as Florida law takes...

New teaching restrictions ‘vague and unclear’ say critics as Florida law takes effect


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  1. Just keep your yap shut in the classroom about deviant sexual behavior and instead teach math, English, reading, history, science and the other subjects you are supposed to be teaching kids. End of problem.

  2. And, is this the law that is causing so many teachers to resign? Over 100 new vacancies in Hernando County alone. Also, can Diisantis really pass a bill-meaning all his executive orders- to FINE these teachers resigning? this is a RIGHT TO WORK state!! How would that work?

  3. Just another attempt by leaders to divide one from another. Parents have always had these rights. Just like the experimental submarine that imploded, this country goes the same way,…and it will be fun to watch the wealthy try to run and hide.

  4. Some people are upset that teachers will no longer be allowed to teach your 2nd graders how to suck dick, have gay butt sex and one book even taught them how to keep their transitioning a secret from you, the parents.

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