Home Tallahassee Florida NHC ups odds of tropical development in Gulf | Tracking the Tropics

NHC ups odds of tropical development in Gulf | Tracking the Tropics


All eyes are on the Gulf of Mexico as a tropical wave approaches. Forecasters are watching an area of low pressure with a 60% chance of formation by next week.

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  1. Listen to the metrologist, and the NHC …it looks like when it gets by the Yucatan.. at upper levels it could be well ventilated due to a upper level high pressure that will be over it.. so, i wouldn't just take for granted that it couldn't intensify rather quickly and strongly..

  2. # Jeff what category would the storm be because whenever it is mentioned that a storm or hurricane 🌀 is coming the shelves at Walmart and other stores are cleaned out but I start shopping for storm and hurricane 🌀 season from March 3 to May 3 I'm prepared for it at all times and 1st Aid Kit and pet food for my dog etc…

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