Home Tallahassee Florida Pastor speaks out after arrest outside Clearwater abortion clinic

Pastor speaks out after arrest outside Clearwater abortion clinic


Clearwater Police Chief Daniel Slaughter went to city council asking for a buffer zone outside of Bread and Roses Women’s Health Center.



  1. If a medical abortion is used more than 70 days after your last menstrual period (LMP), this increases the likelihood of experiencing adverse health effects. In the same way, this may increase the probability of causing an incomplete abortion.

  2. Why don't these protesters ask why are these women getting abortions. Allot of them don't have the funds,time, or help… so instead of wasting everyone's time with restricting and shaming, if you really care, why not help out at a womens shelter, or give time helping these women, not harassing them. The answer, it's not about abortion, they just want to be mad and push some bs on others. Shame.

  3. Abortion is their bread but, no bed of roses for aborted babies with instruments like thorns ripping them apart. A buffer zone is another name for preventing decent people from helping women see the light and reflect on the fact that once you abort a baby you can not get that child's life back and that will haunt them for as long as they live. Abortionists make money on women's misery. They don't care too hoots about you once you do the evil deed. Arresting one of God's soldiers is a sin. Cops helping others exterminate innocent, innocent, blameless, innocent, pure and Sacred children from the sanctuary of a woman's womb is pure evil. To kill an innocent being who be it a girl or a boy, twins, triplets or a child of any colour, creed, religion or race is a mortal sin. Ignorance is bliss when people try to prevent others pointing out this most evil and cowardly act of destroying a human being from getting to live like all others. To stop this prematurely and premeditated act of killing this little unborn child from developing and to trick, cohere and convince the mother that its OK is evil and shameless. The womb is a sacret vessel and sanctuary and anyone who helps in any way to rip a baby from that safety is going to answer and pay dearly for blatant disobedience to Our Creator. Try telling Him about choice, He will tell you you were given freewill but, told obey the commandments so the fires of Hell seemed so far away while the abortionists and their helpers were in full swing but, come the hour of their death EVERY babies aborted will be avenged and given ⚖ justice. No lies entertained, no laws man made to suit the clinics that abort babies for money. Hit men for hire under the guise of choice. Choice is choosing life NOT DEATH. The ones who laugh will scream from eternal pain in the fires of Hell but, unlike those who profess to not believe so as to shut out the reality of what awaits them…all will come clear to them but, alas will it be too late for repenting still can not bring back to life those murdered so cruely. Who would have thought the way Satan got people to follow his lies and deceit and believe they could justify murder. God help 🙏 mothers to see the error of their ways. The devil promotes abortion and God promotes life. Choose your side once you know the facts. Make an informed decision it has far reaching consequences.

  4. What is so hard for these idiots to understand the simple notion of MINDING THEIR OWN DAMNED BUSINESS? My vagina is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS.I don't protest preacher high-and-mighty hypocrite when he pumps up his penis with viagra.

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