Home Tallahassee Florida Pinellas County Schools sue social media companies for contributing to student mental...

Pinellas County Schools sue social media companies for contributing to student mental health crisis


Pinellas County Schools has joined a multi-district lawsuit against social media companies. The lawsuit claims sites including Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram have contributed to a mental health crisis leading to problems in the classroom.



  1. Good luck suing social media companies like Facebook. They simply don't care. FB's algorithm is stuffed, it's now detecting innocent posts made years ago and deleting them, one post I am aware off was deleted for 'breeching cyber security', the post in question was a post showing a few landscape paintings. I'm in one community group that doesn't have an active admin, the group is now overrun with scammers. One of their posts is of actual 'porn' showing sexual intercourse – it's been reported by members multi times, but it's remaining posted because it 'doesn't breech community standards'. FB can not be contacted by it's millions of 'customers' by emails, txt's or phone calls. FB really needs their asses sued for bullying.

  2. Schools r responsible nit social media..Who gives permission to use county money to sue media co's..Take responsibility that ur school board is at fault ..not social media stories. SPEND MONEY ON STUDENTS ADTER SCHOOL FUN IDEAS. STOP G8VINGVYO ATTYS EHOBWORK FOR COUNTY..I DID NOT VOTE FOR THAT IMPOSSIBLE WIN..U ARE WASTING OUR TAXES

  3. Maybe more parents should deal with their children. If they're worried maybe their kids shouldn't be allowed phone time in school. Seven or eight hours without the phone might actually be a good thing

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