Home Tallahassee Florida Pinellas deputy fired, found with 9 whiskey bottles in cruiser after passing...

Pinellas deputy fired, found with 9 whiskey bottles in cruiser after passing out at wheel


A 32-year-old Pinellas County Sheriff’s deputy was fired after he was found “slumped over” behind the wheel in an agency-issued cruiser last month “obviously drunk” with alcohol bottles littered throughout his vehicle. Story:



  1. This is one of the most corrupt departments. Pinellas cops suck ass from st Pete to Palm Harbor. There really good at taking breaks and sitting in parking lots all day. The most petty pull overs and tickets for goin 5-10 over limit lol. Then when they work, they're all drinkin on the side. But y'all know how it works here. Blue protects blue ;(

  2. Alcoholism is a disease. The cop was clearly a full blown alcoholic. These people can't help themselves. It's pretty much a drug and they need their next hit. How he managed to get a job as a LEO is beyond me. If they want this to stop, they should let all of their officers know that you are held to a higher standard and if you are caught breaking the law, especially on duty. You are on your own. You will get fired and be charged to the fullest extent of the law. The choice is yours.

  3. They covered for him. How he make it home before being tested for alcohol but whoever drove his car seen the alcoholic beverage right away and he went to the hospital before he went home. No way

  4. He was wearing his civilian clothes and I’m willing to bet he wasn’t even aware……ALCOHOL IS ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES AND SHOULD STILL BE HIGHLY CONTROLLED
    Too late…….

  5. Question in my mind is why did he have so many bottles in his car? And I wonder if he got them illegally somewhere. Nobody’s going to walk into a liquor store and order 14 bottles of something. What do you guys think?

  6. What the hell is it with Pinellas County Sheriff's?? You look them up on YouTube and it's "deputy fired", "deputy arrested" again and again and again. There's obviously something seriously wrong with the "law enforcement" (and I use that term lightly) culture there.

  7. He's not being charged? That's nice. Try being passed out at a light today with alcohol bottles in your car and see if the Pinellas Police extend you the same courtesy.

  8. Rutttt rohhhhhh Scooby. That ain't no good. But actually it is a good thing because we don't need cops like that working and enforcing laws for actual law abiding citizens. He should be held to an even higher standard and be charged as such.

  9. He must have been thirsty. Jokes aside, drunk driving is serious. Ten years ago I was hit by a drunk driver. He totally demolished my car, and I ended up in the hospital. The guy was so drunk he didn't know he even hit me. He kept on going down the road until his smashed up car stopped running.

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