Home Tallahassee Florida Plant City business looted during Hurricane Ian


  1. Back in the day… “Looters will be shot” was the rule. It would deter these racist flash mob rioters who play the oppressed lie while running and laughing with stolen goods.

    The only thing worse for these lazy stank ass scumbags is to force them to work. I would put any POS caught looting on chain gangs in the hot sun, and make them work 16 hours a day COOL HAND LUKE STYLE!

    When they got out of prison, an 8 hour day would feel like a part time job, and a work requirement would be part of their parole.

    I know this because an 8 hour day feels like half a day’s work to me. Hard work is good for you. It helps you realize life isn’t fair, and you will just have to work harder to overcome it.

  2. Patriot groups from all over the US are coming down locked and loaded and will defend innocent peoples property with the use of deadly force if needed. If we see and violent behavior and you're caught destroying property that's not yours, you will be taking a dirt nap!

  3. These *Fellas are Actually Good Kids!

    Yeah Yeah they act-up sometimes, horseplay around, behave a lil wild at times but Deep Down inside they're just having fun!

    Most of these *Fellas have Bright Ambitions ahead, They're gonna be Doctors, Lawyers, Famous Rappers and such.

    In The Meanwhile– Have Yet Another Great Big Spoonful of *Diversity! Hows That Taste?

  4. Looting is in 100% covered insurance policy even the bare minimum insurance for the building and its contents is covered by the insurance company they’re just trying to say that it was a side effect of the hurricane therefore it’s God‘s hand and they won’t cover it but since it was looting in an area that did not get any damage from the hurricane it is covered by the insurance and he just has to push the issue and call the bluff from the insurance company

  5. They hit our business in Sarasota as well we own a medical cannabis company the night of the storm** they really didn’t get much because it used to be a bank so they couldn’t really get into the vault but still nonetheless they caused a lot of structure damage with windows and the doors.

  6. Sorry but i hate anything related to VAPING. I dont care it happened to their business. Vapes do harm to people. Maybe helped some people who already smoke and needed to quit but most teens nowadays just started out vaping. 20- 50 yrs from now they will all have health problems.

  7. Get those guns out and get to your business stand your ground in Florida. Teach the group of people that like the loot they don’t happen in this state. Got to stop letting these people run the place for gets worse. Look at what went on with BLM. Do you want that coming to our door end it before it ever gets started

  8. Scums of society. So are the insurance companies. They always screw people over, but what did you expect from the state run by the corrupt Republicans like Rick Scott and Ron DeSatan.

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