Home Tallahassee Florida Polk County Sheriff discussed Fire Captain allegedly having sex with minor

Polk County Sheriff discussed Fire Captain allegedly having sex with minor


On Tuesday, Sheriff Grady Judd discussed and gave updates on the investigation on a Polk County Fire Captain that allegedly had sex with a minor Fire Rescue cadet earlier this year.



  1. I love your presentation. I notice you get justice for all. I live in paducah, KY were there is NO JUSTICE. THE crime is 100%. What can a person do to get justice. My life is Hell.
    Thx you

  2. Why don't they hold the drug users accountable for buying and possession, if a mad scientist can sneeze and kill people a addict can misplace their drugs and kill a child or someone else.

  3. He should have a weekly TV programme where he takes the piss out of American criminals. It would get international attention.
    The world needs a good laugh every now and then.

  4. This Country needs more Sheriffs exactly like this man, clean the swamp & rid this country of dirt bag criminals. If only he could represent the FBI & DOJ & remove ALL the liberal crooks in both departments.. Then move to the Ehite House & remove the corrupt Biden & throw them in prison also..!!!

  5. Grady Judd does made a good point by saying that if you have a uniform in the rescue department, law enforcement and military should be responsible, professional and act like the adult in the room not to get the child what he/she wants. Because they should be a role model for the children, teenagers and community as well in professional trust and roles to protect the public from harm and danger. But sometimes they are just like us that we do make mistakes when we do things that are wrong, they are just humans like us. But I’m just saying that so everyone should understand that politicians and celebrities do good and bad things just like us because we are human, we only learn from our mistakes to overcome them to make sure we don’t do that again in the future. Nobody is perfect in anyway shape or form because all of us are not pure good and pure evil that we make our own choices if you either become a hero, villain, antihero or antivillain. You make the choices right or wrong! who are you? You may think that I’m a prophet which I’m not but a philosopher. What’s are opinion on this?

  6. Hey Judd, how about you straighten out Deputy Lyle 7446 and get him a copy of the US constitution and florida state statutes. Seems he is lacking in knowing the basic trespass and ID laws.

  7. Well Here in Tarpon Springs Florida My husband was at hospital he is 67 a Hemodialysis Patient with his ports hang from his neck down, a2 Security Guards wheeled him outside and beat him up. He was arrested and my husband was hospitalized and Rehabilitation too his knee is so badly damaged we have to sell our 3 story home. We arent safe at our hospital be careful. Pls Elderly be Safe

  8. It is a shame that this young captain threw his life away. Another problem out there is people from other countries have different moral values that they think they can carry out here in US, not knowing our laws (age restriction, not marrying first cousins, etc). 🇺🇸

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