Home Tallahassee Florida Polk County teachers union warns of ‘systemic AC issues’ in 15 schools

Polk County teachers union warns of ‘systemic AC issues’ in 15 schools


Polk County’s teachers union filed a class action grievance against the district on Thursday alleging a lack of adequate air conditioning in schools.
On the eve of the first day of the 2023-2024 school year, the Polk Education Association (PEA) released a memo detailing ongoing AC issues with the school district.



  1. "…literally burning up…" "…systemic, horrendous working conditions…" "…sweating to death…" "…unbearable, atrocious working conditions…" "…76° to 78° classrooms are just not conducive to learning…" 😨 MANY schools in FL had NO A/C in the '70's & '80's, & some college dormitories were without it, as well. We received an excellent education & had no problem learning due to warm classrooms. Kids usually aren't affected by warm or cool temperatures, unless they're extreme. They play outside in 90°+ heat & in 50°- cold for hours without noticing the temperature. 🌡🌬 Yes, A/C is preferred, but 80° classrooms aren't "intolerable." Schools received hundreds of billions for new ventilation systems, & A/C & heating systems during covid. There's plenty of money to fix these problems. Please, just start the new school year on a positive note, without all the drama, hysterical rhetoric & constant complaining teachers have become WAY too accustomed to publicly displaying for EVERY issue that arises. 😣 They're supposed to be teachers, not activists. (rainbow bracelet on speaker, blue/purple hair on girl left of speaker) They need to grow up & do the job they were hired to do. 🏫👨‍🏫👦👧🏼📚 God bless. 🇺🇸🙏🏼💞

  2. I thought this was Florida, we are a right to work state. Why do we have any unions?

    This is the real world, sweetheart. Things do not happen by snapping your fingers.

    Imagine, listening to this woman go on and on

  3. I was just in 2 different classrooms in Polk County for orientation yesterday. Yall are fine! It was not bad at all. Quit crying. If this is the worst thing ya'll got going on, then this is the most privileged complaining I've ever seen. First world problems, damn.

  4. What is the school saying is the reason is for the problem? She doesn't even make sense, that they don't pay A/C technicians enough money and they work for private companies….. you just hire the A/C company. Also, if the Chillers are old there might be an issue getting parts right now. Maybe we should not have sent all our manufacturing to China. It is a real problem right now.

  5. I remember going to school there was NO A/C in schools.
    The school in Polk are not that old tax payer pay millions for these new school here in
    Polk buy some fans.
    I can remember the teachers would tell the kids to stop moving around, and you be fine..
    Open the windows

  6. I will NEVER support teachers ever again.
    Your complaining about AC? Most of my classes never had AC or even a good working heater in the winter. And we lived in a freezing cold place in the winter and a hotter than hell place in the summer.
    By the way arent u the ones pushing Climate Change? Now u know what u can live without.
    Stop pushing CC if u want AC.

  7. I taught in the 70’s and 80’s with no A/C in Florida. We have full windows, ceiling fans, and it was better than the A/C that gets moldy and turned off everyday at 3. I had tutoring and parent conferences until 6 and 7. I can’t imagine any other business working with broken A/C. I agree. It was always 80 or above with good A/C. All those people in those rooms with all those germs, and insufficient A/C. Good luck to y’all!

  8. Good for them. I know I wouldn't send my child to a school where the indoor temperatures are above 75°. If I lived in that district I would sue 😤 if my child got a headache or came home overtired from the heat.

  9. Ever notice how these public sector unions make for the absolute worst of public servants? I'm looking at you too, cops. It's created an an army of activists posing as educators and tyrants posing as police officers.

  10. Wow Sister, wrong state…Lol Youre in Florida… Just like DeSatan said about slavery… You will learn skills by sweating and laboring for free and it will make you better…. ha ha Thoughts and Prayers… you get what you worshipped and voted for.

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