Home Carpet Cleaning Pt 3.1 vlm Oreck Orbiter


  1. Awesome video. Even with a couple of well trained "helpers" it can be a pain to clean sculpted carpets, and frieze can be too much fun too. One-handed operation can make your obliques (side muscles) hurt too (makes picking up doggies a little uncomfortable). Tripod…just sayin'. Did you get some Ironman bonnets yet or were these the "standard issue Oreck's". Oh and to let you know I left that FB group that you recently "left" too so we're both free again. Happy trails!!!

  2. The Orbiter can be a handful when you have just one hand to control it. A small glider might help to use while you are filming. How do I know? A couple months ago I was using mine on a few spots on some ridged, commercial glue down carpet squares. Well, I forgot to bring in the glider and was too lazy to go back out to get it and was using a cotton pad. I was videoing it so of course I only had one hand on the Orbiter and it was digging in and bouncing like crazy and jarring the heck out of my arm. But since it was only a few spots, I figured I would just tough it out. I get finished, spots are gone, and the carpet looks good. I wake up the following day, and my arm and elbow are hurting pretty bad. Turns out, all that bouncing sprained my arm and elbow. Who would have thought? Well, it took a little over a week to get my arm and elbow back right. If I had taken just a minute to go out to the truck to get the glider, it wouldn't have happened. But a glider can make all the difference in being able to control and steer it easier.

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