Home Tallahassee Florida Reaction: Gabby Petito’s family given Roberta Laundrie’s “burn after reading” letter to...

Reaction: Gabby Petito’s family given Roberta Laundrie’s “burn after reading” letter to son


Judge Danielle Brewer rules to deny the motion of protection for Roberta Laundrie’s “burn after reading” letter. Immediately after the ruling, the attorney for Brian Laundrie’s parents gives the letter to Gabby Petito’s family.

WFLA Now’s JB Biunno reports.



  1. we should tell our children how much we love them. But we shouldn’t phrase it in a way that they could do no wrong in our eyes. That is irresponsible and dangerous. And we see now how Brian himself believed that and in an act of complete selfishness, took the life of Gabby. I do believe he confessed to his parents and I believe they thought he was going to be on the run, not that he was going to kill himself. His mother seemed like she was so overbearing toward him to the point she probably wouldn’t let him have a normal healthy relationship with any woman. It’s sickening.

  2. These Money Grabbing Parents need to Stop. Blaming his Family. A lot of Money has been given to these Parents to help other Family’s in this Situation. a lot of money they quit there Jobs and have not Donated or Helped anyone. Shameful. So over this Story. Let’s talk about other Missing People.

  3. It's a really long story but anyway my ex was a narcissist and verbally and emotionally abusive to me and my son when he was still a minor. Well one day they got in a very bad argument and my ex tackled my son onto the ground so while my son was on the ground he reached around and stabbed my ex in the back. My first reaction was to call the police which I did. Brian laundries mother would of told me to not call the police and clean up the evidence and hide the knife , I wouldn't doubt it anyway!

  4. And anyone is supposed to believe a single word that comes out of Roberta Laundry's mouth!?!?! She's a criminal just like her husband and son. Her affidavit only has one use……toilet paper.

  5. The letter shows that her relationship with her son was not a healthy one.
    Parents train their children to provide themselves with what they are missing in their life. Evidently she was missing quite a bit. It’s a sad situation all round.

  6. This guy gives me the creeps. So aloof, so dismissive of this letter. F course he’s their lawyer but how could stand there like this is just a simple little letter to a son. If I were the mom, finally getting to read this letter I would feel so violated. I’d be distraught.

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