Home Tallahassee Florida Report: Governor DeSantis to launch presidential bid with Elon Musk on Twitter...

Report: Governor DeSantis to launch presidential bid with Elon Musk on Twitter Spaces


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will announce he is running for president during a discussion with Twitter CEO Elon Musk, three sources familiar with the plans told NBC News.



  1. I don't see how he's going to win the presidency. He lost the Disney fan vote he lost the black vote he lost the lgtpq vote and he's lost the liberal vote. The only people that are going to vote for him are people who want to racist hate her for a president

  2. I think their BOTH on crack. Seriously. Elon smokes pot during live interviews so of course he would back Desantis he's stoned out of his mind. Pssst that's how he REALLY gets all his ideas for inventions and outer space. He smokes a few joints has several beers… And it's Hey let's all go to Mars everybody. If anyone ELSE would talk the way Elon does they would be given a shake down and tested for drugs on the spot. But when your a billionaire ahhh forget about it. Elon much love but lay off the pot.

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