Home Tallahassee Florida Sen. Scott visits federally contracted shelter in Safety Harbor that cared for...

Sen. Scott visits federally contracted shelter in Safety Harbor that cared for migrant teen who died


A day after Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) sent a letter demanding answers from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services about the death of migrant teen staying in a federally contracted shelter, officials from that agency took him inside Saturday to see the conditions for himself.



  1. And in rushes Skeletor for a photo op !! It's hilarious watching Rick Scott & Loomer pretending like they give a dam!! Republicans are the WORST !!!! If during covid you were tortured by the unemployment system, there's the guy that had it designed to prevent you from obtaining benefits you payed into.

  2. These people come to this Country with health issues & they do not tell the truth about their medical issues.
    So now a place that gave them refuge is being questioned that provided shelter for an immigrant who crossed illegally
    Oh does the senator want to run for no no

  3. The child was here for a total of five days prior to his death. Chances are that he was sick upon his arrival. I’m sorry to hear that a life is lost but, I’m also hoping that it’s not something contagious that migrants might unknowingly have.

  4. Yeah you mean why this happened RIGHT AFTER HE WAS INTERVIEWED ON TV!!! This crap going on in Florida needs to stop!!! Do your job and locate that interview we all watched! Funny how she tried to pin it on this administration when had it not been for Biden we would’ve never received FEMAs help during our last hurricanes! Find out what Desantis and his wife did with the money that was donated to help after those hurricanes!!! If folks think someone as rich as Scott cares folks don’t understand how wealth moves. Desantis immigration bill passes on Monday and they’re already loosing money from the lack of workers. Of course Mr money maker is going to show up acting concerned to stop those who donate to his campaigns from canceling more contracts. I miss the days of real reporters with no fear to expose the truth and couldn’t be bought.

  5. Many of these Children were sold, especially when they are poverty stricken. I want America First. Terrible, they are moving homeless Veterans back into the streets and giving their rooms to the ILLEGAL migrants. Maybe some one gave him fake fentanyl.

  6. This goes to show you that they need to be sent immediately back to their own country! They are entering the United States illegally breaking our laws. Sorry a kid died but we have thousands of American children who die a year from gun violence, murder, starvation, homelessness, malnutrition, suicide, lack of healthcare and so on. We as a nation cannot take care of ourselves let alone other countries. Senator Scott is just another hypocrite!

  7. people die every day!!! Guns are the leading cause of death for US children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020. IF USA can not look after their own children, do not TAKE responsibility OF OTHER COUNTRY kids… Somalia, Africa, over 300 000 kids died in 5 years, simply starved to death!!!

  8. This illegal border crossing has to be stopped – build that wall!! What mother would allow her
    teenage son to make the trek to another country alone? He needed to be with her, he was a
    minor who should have been under the care of his mother, NOT the U.S. government because
    he left home & crossed into this country illegally!!!

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