Home Tallahassee Florida Sheriff: Road construction worker struck, killed deputy on I-275, fled scene

Sheriff: Road construction worker struck, killed deputy on I-275, fled scene


Sheriff: Road construction worker struck, killed deputy on I-275, fled scene



  1. I am sad , heartbroken for this deputy. But I have too ,too many times that these Latinos have no regard for human life. I am not racist but again I have seen and heard the un-American behavior of these people. I hope and pray that these two idiots that demonstrated this unconscionable act they are given the death penalty.

  2. The guy is likely running because he's an illegal alien, and he may even be an illegal alien with outstanding warrants. Technically, If they're standing in this country they're breaking the law. I don't know why the cops and the politicians turn a blind eye to that FACT.

  3. live in Pinellas County, Florida: A computer call ACTUALLY called me on my cell phone at around 8:00 am 23Sept22 to tell me of this: NOT APPRECIATED AND OFFENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. My thoughts and prayers go out to the officers family and friends. Why would this equipment operator leave the scene? People are saying that he may have been drinking but you can never prove that now a day later. Regardless this guy should have never left the scene. Some people panic and make bad decisions and this could be the case here. Time will tell.

  5. See that's what happens when illegals come into the country they just kill people and they get away with it the citizens of the United States aren't given their constitutional rights because the resources are used construction Crews I feel bad for that officer that was killed I feel but his family I just pray he was a good cop and he probably was that's why they put him out there what a shame

  6. Feel bad for the office of family as far as this gutieri he's just like Narco they're not good sheriffs I feel bad for the sheriffs that work under them this guy's a piece of poop the same way Narco won't even trespass people

  7. That driver of the construction vehicle AND the other construction worker who accepted the driver’s helmet, vest, etc., they BOTH should be charged with MURDER. That other construction worker could have CHOSEN to AT LEAST tackled that driver while yelling for his other workers for help. Those two sure would be screaming IF this had happened to any of their family members.

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