Home Tallahassee Florida Shooting leaves 16 year old dead in the parking lot of Tampa...

Shooting leaves 16 year old dead in the parking lot of Tampa McDonald’s


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  1. I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation:

  2. The sad story is a 16 year old life is taken. His status in society and race is not the issue, and death is not the penalty for child being loss Ioss and caught up with bad leadership. He may have been born with the wrong family.
    I feared my parents more than the the law and the thugs in the street. I wish more children had the same fear and respect. These children are victims of poor family management. It is unfortunate that⁵ they can choose to have these babies, but the child can't choose their parents. I'm not an advocate for abortion. Just imagine the future when these people are forced to have unwanted babies. This will lead to more juvenile issues.

  3. This is NOT a "CHILD". This is a THUG. Know the only good THUG? You guessed it. A "CHILD" is less than 12 or so. A " Young Adult" is less than 18, over 13 or 14. If there were an 8 year old popping rounds in a McD parking lot, they would also be considered a THUG. How many INNOCENT BYSTANDERS have to DIE by being in the wrong place at the wrong time before someone has the BALLS to say what I just did? FFS

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