Home Tallahassee Florida Sole survivor of Plant City train crash suffered brain bleed, expected to...

Sole survivor of Plant City train crash suffered brain bleed, expected to live


Sole survivor of Plant City train crash suffered brain bleed, expected to live



  1. Let me guess 🤔🤔  Everyone is going to blame the railroad, the engineer and conductor.  Who do you blame when a car hits a power pole or another vehicle when the driver was holding a cigarette in one hand, texting on a phone with the other….. the cigarette manufacturer, the cell phone manufacturer, car manufacturer, the power company or pole manufacturer? The engineer REPEATEDLY BLEW the train horn LONG BEFORE the vacinity of the crossing as is REQUIRED by ALL railroads of each train engineer. In addition, each locomotive has at least one VERY BRIGHT headlight that can be seen at least a mile away from most crossings.    How many are KILLED by people running STOP signs?    To those blaming the railroads,  I guess you are blaming the states and counties nationwide for NOT replacing ALL STOP signs with traffic lights NATION WIDE.   IDIOTS👎  YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID.

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